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There are 20 words containing AFFLU

AFFLUENCEaffluence n. (Obsolete) An abundant flow or supply.
affluence n. An abundance of wealth.
affluence n. A moderate level of wealth.
AFFLUENCESaffluences n. Plural of affluence.
AFFLUENCE n. the state of being affluent, also AFFLUENCY.
AFFLUENCIESaffluencies n. Plural of affluency.
AFFLUENCY n. the state of being affluent, also AFFLUENCE.
AFFLUENCYaffluency n. (Obsolete) affluence.
AFFLUENCY n. the state of being affluent, also AFFLUENCE.
AFFLUENTaffluent n. Somebody who is wealthy.
affluent n. A stream or river flowing into a larger river or into a lake; a tributary stream; a tributary.
affluent adj. Abundant; copious; plenteous.
AFFLUENTIALaffluential adj. Affluent and influential.
affluential n. An affluent, influential person.
AFFLUENTIAL n. an affluent person who does not display his or her wealth in the form of material possessions.
AFFLUENTIALSaffluentials n. Plural of affluential.
AFFLUENTIAL n. an affluent person who does not display his or her wealth in the form of material possessions.
AFFLUENTLYaffluently adv. In an affluent manner.
AFFLUENT adv. wealthy.
AFFLUENTNESSaffluentness n. The state or quality of being affluent.
AFFLUENTNESS n. the state of being affluent.
AFFLUENTNESSESAFFLUENTNESS n. the state of being affluent.
AFFLUENTSaffluents n. Plural of affluent.
AFFLUENT n. a stream that flows into another.
AFFLUENZAaffluenza n. A feeling of dissatisfaction, anxiety, etc., caused by the dogged and ongoing pursuit of more goods and possessions.
AFFLUENZA n. a malaise said to affect affluent young people, characterised by guilt feelings.
AFFLUENZASaffluenzas n. (Rare) plural of affluenza.
AFFLUENZA n. a malaise said to affect affluent young people, characterised by guilt feelings.
AFFLUXafflux n. An upward rush of fluid.
afflux n. (Hydrology) The rise in water level (above normal) on the upstream side of a bridge or obstruction caused…
AFFLUX n. a flowing towards or together, also AFFLUXION.
AFFLUXESaffluxes n. Plural of afflux.
AFFLUX n. a flowing towards or together, also AFFLUXION.
AFFLUXIONaffluxion n. The act of flowing towards; afflux.
AFFLUXION n. a flowing towards or together, also AFFLUX.
AFFLUXIONSaffluxions n. Plural of affluxion.
AFFLUXION n. a flowing towards or together, also AFFLUX.
NONAFFLUENTnonaffluent adj. Not affluent.
NONAFFLUENT adj. not affluent.
SUBAFFLUENTsubaffluent adj. Between the poverty line and affluence.
SUBAFFLUENT adj. less than affluent.
UNAFFLUENTunaffluent adj. Not affluent.
UNAFFLUENT adj. not affluent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 27 words
  • Scrabble in French: 45 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 51 words
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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