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There are 19 words containing ADULA

RADULAradula n. (Zoology) The rasping tongue of snails and all other mollusks except bivalves.
Radula prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Radulaceae – a group of leafy liverworts.
RADULA n. (Latin) a tonguelike organ of molluscs.
ADULATEadulate v. To flatter effusively.
ADULATE v. to fawn upon.
RADULAEradulae n. Plural of radula.
RADULA n. (Latin) a tonguelike organ of molluscs.
RADULARradular adj. Of or pertaining to the radula or radulae.
RADULAR adj. like a radula, raspy.
RADULASRADULA n. (Latin) a tonguelike organ of molluscs.
ADULARIAadularia n. (Mineralogy) A variety of orthoclase feldspar found as colorless to white prismatic crystals in cavities…
ADULARIA n. a transparent or translucent variety of common feldspar, aka moonstone.
ADULATEDadulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of adulate.
ADULATE v. to fawn upon.
ADULATESadulates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of adulate.
ADULATE v. to fawn upon.
ADULATORadulator n. One who lavishes excessive praises or flattery; one who adulates.
ADULATOR n. one who adulates.
RADULATEradulate adj. (Zoology) Having a radula.
RADULATE adj. having a radula, a mollusc's tongue, that is studded with tiny teeth.
ADULARIASadularias n. Plural of adularia.
ADULARIA n. a transparent or translucent variety of common feldspar, aka moonstone.
ADULATINGadulating v. Present participle of adulate.
ADULATE v. to fawn upon.
ADULATIONadulation n. Flattery; fulsome praise.
ADULATION n. the act of adulating.
ADULATORSadulators n. Plural of adulator.
ADULATOR n. one who adulates.
ADULATORYadulatory adj. Exhibiting adulation; overly flattering.
ADULATORY adj. showing adulation.
ADULATIONSadulations n. Plural of adulation.
ADULATION n. the act of adulating.
ADULARESCENTadularescent adj. Exhibiting adularescence.
ADULARESCENT adj. of minerals such as moonstone, having or emitting a milky or bluish iridescence.
ADULARESCENCEadularescence n. The optical phenomenon, exhibited by some specimens (moonstones) of the mineral adularia, of exhibiting…
ADULARESCENCE n. the quality of being adularescent, having or emitting a milky or bluish iridescence.
ADULARESCENCESADULARESCENCE n. the quality of being adularescent, having or emitting a milky or bluish iridescence.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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