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There are 7 words containing ADOSE

VADOSEvadose adj. Of or pertaining to water beneath the surface of the earth which is located above the level of the permanent…
VADOSE adj. located above the permanent groundwater level.
MEGADOSEmegadose n. A dose of drug or vitamin far exceeding the normal or recommended amount, and usually given intentionally…
megadose v. (Transitive) To dose (a patient) with a very large amount of a drug.
megadose v. (Transitive) To dose with a very large amount of (a drug).
MEGADOSESmegadoses n. Plural of megadose.
MEGADOSE n. an abnormally large dose.
PARADOSESparadoses n. Plural of parados.
paradoses n. Plural of paradosis.
PARADOS n. (French) an earthworks defending against a rear attack.
CALVADOSEScalvadoses n. Plural of calvados.
CALVADOS n. (French) a dry apple brandy.
EXTRADOSESextradoses n. Plural of extrados.
EXTRADOS n. (French) the outer curve of an arch.
INTRADOSESintradoses n. Plural of intrados.
INTRADOS n. (French) the inner curve of an arch.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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