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There are 12 words containing ADIUM

CALADIUMcaladium n. Any of the genus Caladium of flowering plants, especially an ornamental cultivar of Caladium bicolor.
Caladium prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Araceae – tuberous plants with colorful leaves, naive to the tropical…
CALADIUM n. (Malay) any tropical plant of the genus Caladium, of the arum family, the plants of which are grown for their attractive foliage.
CALADIUMScaladiums n. Plural of caladium.
CALADIUM n. (Malay) any tropical plant of the genus Caladium, of the arum family, the plants of which are grown for their attractive foliage.
PALLADIUMpalladium n. A safeguard.
palladium n. A chemical element (symbol Pd) with an atomic number of 46: a rare, lustrous silvery-white metal.
palladium n. (Countable) A single atom of this element.
PALLADIUMSpalladiums n. Plural of palladium.
PALLADIUM n. a metallic element resembling platinum.
RADIUMradium n. The chemical element (symbol Ra) with an atomic number of 88. It is a soft, shiny and silvery radioactive…
radium n. (Textiles, dated) A type of cloth woven from silk or synthetic yarn, often with a shiny appearance.
radium v. (Transitive, intransitive, obsolete) To treat (A tumour, etc.) with radium.
RADIUMSradiums n. Plural of radium.
radiums v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of radium.
RADIUM n. a radioactive element.
STADIUMstadium n. A venue where sporting events are held.
stadium n. An Ancient Greek racecourse, especially, the Olympic course for foot races.
stadium n. (Historical) Synonym of stadion, a Greek unit of length equivalent to about 185 m.
STADIUMSstadiums n. Plural of stadium.
STADIUM n. a race course, sports ground.
UNNILQUADIUMunnilquadium n. (Dated) rutherfordium.
UNNILQUADIUM n. a former name of the transuranic element rutherfordium.
UNNILQUADIUMSUNNILQUADIUM n. a former name of the transuranic element rutherfordium.
VANADIUMvanadium n. A chemical element (symbol V) with atomic number 23; it is a transition metal, used in the production…
vanadium n. (Countable) A single atom of this element.
VANADIUM n. a silvery metallic element.
VANADIUMSvanadiums n. Plural of vanadium.
VANADIUM n. a silvery metallic element.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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