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There are 20 words containing ACOID

ANTHRACOIDanthracoid adj. (Biology) Resembling anthrax.
ANTHRACOID adj. resembling anthrax; resembling carbon, coal or charcoal.
AUTACOIDautacoid n. (Biochemistry) A hormone or similar compound that has a short-term, local effect.
AUTACOID n. a hormone secreted into blood, lymph, or sap, also AUTOCOID.
AUTACOIDSautacoids n. Plural of autacoid.
AUTACOID n. a hormone secreted into blood, lymph, or sap, also AUTOCOID.
CLINOPINACOIDclinopinacoid n. (Crystallography) The plane in monoclinic crystals that is parallel to the vertical and the inclined…
CLINOPINACOID n. a form consisting of two faces parallel to the clinoaxis and the vertical axis, also CLINOPINAKOID.
CLINOPINACOIDSclinopinacoids n. Plural of clinopinacoid.
CLINOPINACOID n. a form consisting of two faces parallel to the clinoaxis and the vertical axis, also CLINOPINAKOID.
CORACOIDcoracoid n. (Anatomy) Part of the scapula that projects towards the sternum in mammals; the coracoid process.
coracoid n. (Anatomy) A small bone linking the scapula and sternum in birds, reptiles and some other vertebrates.
coracoid adj. Hooked like the beak of a crow.
CORACOIDScoracoids n. Plural of coracoid.
CORACOID n. a bone of the shoulder girdle.
HYRACOIDhyracoid n. An animal of the order Hyracoidea, i.e. a hyrax.
hyracoid adj. (Zoology) Of or relating to the hyraxes (order Hyracoidea).
hyracoid adj. Displaying characteristics typical of hyraxes.
HYRACOIDEANHYRACOIDEAN n. any member of a genus of mammals including the daman and the dassie or hyrax, also HYRACOID.
HYRACOIDEANSHYRACOIDEAN n. any member of a genus of mammals including the daman and the dassie or hyrax, also HYRACOID.
HYRACOIDShyracoids n. Plural of hyracoid.
HYRACOID n. any member of a genus of mammals including the daman and the dassie or hyrax, also HYRACOIDEAN.
MACROPINACOIDmacropinacoid n. (Crystallography) One of the two planes of an orthorhombic crystal which are parallel to the vertical…
MACROPINACOID n. a crystalline pinacoid which runs parallel to the longer horizontal axis, also MACROPINAKOID.
MACROPINACOIDSmacropinacoids n. Plural of macropinacoid.
MACROPINACOID n. a crystalline pinacoid which runs parallel to the longer horizontal axis, also MACROPINAKOID.
PHACOIDphacoid adj. Resembling a lentil; lenticular.
PHACOID adj. lens-shaped, lentil-shaped, also PHACOIDAL.
PHACOIDALphacoidal adj. Having the form of the lens of the eye; lenticular.
PHACOIDAL adj. lens-shaped, lentil-shaped, also PHACOID.
PINACOIDpinacoid n. (Crystallography) The face of a crystal parallel to two of the axes.
PINACOID n. a type of crystal face, also PINAKOID.
PINACOIDALpinacoidal adj. (Crystallography) Relating to the pinacoid.
PINACOIDAL adj. denoting a type of crystal face, also PINAKOIDAL.
PINACOIDSpinacoids n. Plural of pinacoid.
PINACOID n. a type of crystal face, also PINAKOID.
PLACOIDplacoid adj. Platelike; having irregular, platelike, bony scales, often bearing spines; pertaining to the placoid fish.
placoid n. Such a scale.
placoid n. Any fish having placoid scales, such as the sharks.
PLACOIDSplacoids n. Plural of placoid.
PLACOID n. a fish having platelike scales.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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