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There are 10 words containing ACKPO

BLACKPOLLblackpoll n. A North American warbler, Dendroica striata, the male of which has a black patch on its head.
BLACKPOLL n. a warbler of the United States.
BLACKPOLLSblackpolls n. Plural of blackpoll.
BLACKPOLL n. a warbler of the United States.
CRACKPOTcrackpot n. (Informal) An eccentric, crazy or foolish person.
crackpot n. (Informal) Someone addicted to crack cocaine (i.e. a drug addict).
crackpot adj. (Informal) Eccentric or impractical.
CRACKPOTScrackpots n. Plural of crackpot.
CRACKPOT n. an eccentric person.
JACKPOTjackpot n. A money prize pool which accumulates until the conditions are met for it to be won.
jackpot n. A large cash prize or money.
jackpot n. An unexpected windfall or reward.
JACKPOTSjackpots n. Plural of jackpot.
JACKPOT n. a top prize or reward.
JACKPOTTEDjackpotted v. Simple past tense and past participle of jackpot.
JACKPOT v. (Australian) to win a top prize or reward.
JACKPOTTINGjackpotting n. The act of rewarding a dog with a large number of treats during training.
jackpotting n. The fraudulent exploitation of an automatic teller machine so that it dispenses cash that has not been…
jackpotting v. Present participle of jackpot.
TRACKPOINTtrackpoint n. (Computing) An individual record within a GPS of a visited location.
TRACKPOINTStrackpoints n. Plural of trackpoint.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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