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There are 16 words containing ACILI

FACILITYfacility n. The fact of being easy, or easily done; absence of difficulty, simplicity.
facility n. Dexterity of speech or action; skill, talent.
facility n. The physical means or contrivances to make something (especially a public service) possible; the required…
GRACILISgracilis n. (Anatomy) A slender superficial muscle of the inner thigh.
GRACILIS n. (Latin) a thigh muscle.
GRACILITYgracility n. (Often anatomy, botany, zoology) The property or condition of being gracile.
GRACILITY n. slenderness.
FACILITATEfacilitate v. To make easy or easier.
facilitate v. To help bring about.
facilitate v. To preside over (a meeting, a seminar).
FACILITIESfacilities n. Plural of facility.
facilities n. Synonym of facility in certain contexts.
facilities n. (Euphemistic) Facilities for urination and defecation: a toilet; a lavatory.
FACILITATEDfacilitated v. Simple past tense and past participle of facilitate.
facilitated adj. Made easier.
FACILITATE v. to make easier.
FACILITATESfacilitates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of facilitate.
FACILITATE v. to make easier.
FACILITATORfacilitator n. Something that facilitates.
facilitator n. A person who helps a group to have an effective dialog without taking any side of the argument, especially…
FACILITATOR n. one that facilitates.
GRACILITIESgracilities n. Plural of gracility.
GRACILITY n. slenderness.
FACILITATINGfacilitating v. Present participle of facilitate.
FACILITATE v. to make easier.
FACILITATIONfacilitation n. The act of facilitating or making easy.
facilitation n. (Physiology) The process of synapses becoming more capable of transmitting the same type of signal each…
FACILITATION n. the act of facilitating.
FACILITATIVEfacilitative adj. Having the effect of making easy; assisting, easing or facilitating.
FACILITATIVE adj. serving to facilitate.
FACILITATORSfacilitators n. Plural of facilitator.
FACILITATOR n. one that facilitates.
FACILITATORYfacilitatory adj. That serves to facilitate.
FACILITATORY adj. inducing or involved in facilitation esp. of a reflex action.
SUPRACILIARYsupraciliary adj. (Anatomy) Alternative form of superciliary.
supraciliary n. (Anatomy) Alternative form of superciliary.
SUPRACILIARY adj. above the eyebrow.
FACILITATIONSfacilitations n. Plural of facilitation.
FACILITATION n. the act of facilitating.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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