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There are 20 words containing ACHME

COACHMENcoachmen n. Plural of coachman.
COACHMAN n. one who drives a coach.
MACHMETERmachmeter n. Alternative form of Machmeter.
Machmeter n. (Aviation) An instrument that measures the speed of an aircraft relative to that of sound and displays…
MACHMETER n. an instrument for measuring Mach number.
ATTACHMENTattachment n. The act or process of (physically or figuratively) attaching.
attachment n. A strong bonding with or fondness for someone or something.
attachment n. A dependence, especially a strong one.
DETACHMENTdetachment n. (Uncountable) The action of detaching; separation.
detachment n. (Uncountable) The state of being detached or disconnected; insulation.
detachment n. (Uncountable) Indifference to the concerns of others; disregard; nonchalance; aloofness.
MACHMETERSMachmeters n. Plural of Machmeter.
MACHMETER n. an instrument for measuring Mach number.
PREACHMENTpreachment n. (Now chiefly depreciative) Preaching; sermonizing.
preachment n. An instance of preaching; a sermon or homily.
PREACHMENT n. a religious harangue; a sermon.
APPEACHMENTappeachment n. (Obsolete) accusation.
APPEACHMENT n. (Shakespeare) the act of appeaching.
ATTACHMENTSattachments n. Plural of attachment.
ATTACHMENT n. something attached.
DETACHMENTSdetachments n. Plural of detachment.
DETACHMENT n. the act of detaching.
IMPEACHMENTimpeachment n. (Countable) The act of calling into question or challenging the accuracy or propriety of something.
impeachment n. (Uncountable) The state of being impeached.
impeachment n. (Uncountable, archaic) Hindrance; impediment; obstruction.
PREACHMENTSpreachments n. Plural of preachment.
PREACHMENT n. a religious harangue; a sermon.
APPEACHMENTSappeachments n. Plural of appeachment.
APPEACHMENT n. (Shakespeare) the act of appeaching.
ENCROACHMENTencroachment n. An entry into a place or area that was previously uncommon; an advance beyond former borders; intrusion; incursion.
encroachment n. An intrusion upon another’s possessions or rights; infringement.
encroachment n. That which is gained by such unlawful intrusion.
IMPEACHMENTSimpeachments n. Plural of impeachment.
IMPEACHMENT n. the act of impeaching.
REATTACHMENTreattachment n. The act of reattaching; a second or subsequent attachment.
REATTACHMENT n. the act of reattaching.
ENCROACHMENTSencroachments n. Plural of encroachment.
ENCROACHMENT n. the act of encroaching.
NONATTACHMENTnonattachment n. Lack of attachment, especially freedom from attachment to worldly things or goals, as in some Eastern philosophies.
non-attachment n. Alternative form of nonattachment.
NONATTACHMENT n. absence of an attachment.
REATTACHMENTSreattachments n. Plural of reattachment.
REATTACHMENT n. the act of reattaching.
STAGECOACHMENstagecoachmen n. Plural of stagecoachman.
STAGECOACHMAN n. the driver of a stagecoach.
NONATTACHMENTSnonattachments n. Plural of nonattachment.
NONATTACHMENT n. absence of an attachment.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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