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There are 19 words containing ABLER

ABLERabler adj. Comparative form of able: more able.
Abler prop.n. A surname from German.
ABLE adj. competent, also HABLE.
CABLERcabler n. Someone who cables, who puts together or fixes cables.
cabler n. (Entertainment) A cable television network or system operator.
CABLER n. one that supplies a cable.
FABLERfabler n. A writer of fables; a fabulist; a dealer in untruths or falsehoods.
FABLER n. a writer of fables.
SABLERsabler adj. Comparative form of sable: more sable.
SABLE adj. black, dark.
CABLERScablers n. Plural of cabler.
CABLER n. one that supplies a cable.
DRABLERDRABLER n. a piece of canvas fastened by lacing to the bonnet of a sail, to give it a greater depth, or more drop, also DRABBLER.
ENABLERenabler n. One who or that which helps something to happen.
enabler n. One who encourages a bad habit in another (typically drug addiction) by their behaviour.
enabler n. One who gives someone else the power to behave in a certain way. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
FABLERSfablers n. Plural of fabler.
FABLER n. a writer of fables.
STABLERstabler adj. Comparative form of stable: more stable.
stabler n. A stablekeeper.
Stabler prop.n. A surname.
CAPABLERcapabler adj. (Nonstandard) comparative form of capable: more capable.
CAPABLE adj. competent.
DIABLERYdiablery n. Sorcery.
diablery n. (Attempted) summoning of the Devil.
DIABLERY n. black magic; sorcery, also DIABLERIE.
DISABLERdisabler n. One who, or that which, disables.
DISABLER n. one who disables.
DRABLERSDRABLER n. a piece of canvas fastened by lacing to the bonnet of a sail, to give it a greater depth, or more drop, also DRABBLER.
ENABLERSenablers n. Plural of enabler.
ENABLER n. one who enables.
STABLERSstablers n. Plural of stabler.
Stablers prop.n. Plural of Stabler.
STABLER n. one who keeps a stable.
DIABLERIEdiablerie n. Witchcraft, sorcery.
DIABLERIE n. (French) black magic, sorcery, also DIABLERY.
DISABLERSdisablers n. Plural of disabler.
DISABLER n. one who disables.
UNSTABLERunstabler adj. Comparative form of unstable: more unstable.
UNSTABLE adj. not stable, also INSTABLE.
DIABLERIESdiableries n. Plural of diablerie.
DIABLERY n. black magic; sorcery, also DIABLERIE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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