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There are 12 nine-letter words containing ASTRO

ASTROCYTEastrocyte n. (Neurology) A neuroglial cell, in the shape of a star, in the brain.
ASTROCYTE n. a much-branched, star-shaped neuroglia cell.
ASTRODOMEastrodome n. A transparent dome in the fuselage of an aircraft or spacecraft through which navigational observations may be made.
Astrodome prop.n. A domed sports stadium in Houston, Texas.
ASTRODOME n. a stadium with a domed roof.
ASTROFELLASTROFELL n. (Spenser) an unidentified bitter starlike plant, possibly aster, also ASTROPHEL.
ASTROLABEastrolabe n. An astronomical and navigational instrument for gauging the altitude of the Sun and stars.
ASTROLABE n. a compact instrument used to observe and calculate the position of celestial bodies before the invention of the sextant.
ASTROLOGYastrology n. Divination about human affairs or natural phenomena from the relative positions of celestial bodies.
ASTROLOGY n. the study of the supposed influence of the movements and positions of the stars and planets.
ASTRONAUTastronaut n. A member of the crew of a spaceship or other spacecraft that travels beyond Earth’s atmosphere, or someone…
astronaut n. (Hong Kong) A returnee who frequently flies back and forth between Hong Kong and their adopted home country.
ASTRONAUT n. a person engaged in space travel.
ASTRONOMYastronomy n. The study of the physical universe beyond the Earth’s atmosphere, including the process of mapping locations…
astronomy n. (Obsolete) Astrology.
ASTRONOMY n. the study of the celestial bodies and the heavens in all scientific aspects.
ASTROPHELAstrophel n. A male lover similar to that in the poem Astrophel and Stella.
ASTROPHEL n. (Spenser) an unidentified bitter starlike plant, possibly aster, also ASTROFELL.
GASTROPODgastropod n. Any member of a class of mollusks (Gastropoda) that includes snails and slugs; univalve mollusk.
GASTROPOD n. a class of asymmetrical molluscs, including limpets, whelks, snails and slugs, also GASTEROPOD.
GASTROPUBgastropub n. (Britain) A public house that serves high-quality food.
GASTROPUB n. a pub that specializes in providing food and wine of a standard more typical of a fine restaurant than a traditional pub.
PASTROMISpastromis n. Plural of pastromi.
PASTROMI n. (Yiddish) a highly seasoned smoked beef, also PASTRAMI.
PLASTRONSplastrons n. Plural of plastron.
PLASTRON n. a fencer's padded breast-shield; the underside of a turtle's shell, also PLASTRUM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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