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There are 17 nine-letter words containing ARTIN

ASSARTINGassarting v. Present participle of assart.
ASSART v. (historical) to reclaim for agriculture by clearing away trees.
ASTARTINGastarting v. Present participle of astart.
ASTART v. (Spenser) to start up, also ASTERT.
BOGARTINGbogarting v. Present participle of bogart.
BOGART v. to monopolise something, keep something esp. a marijuana cigarette to oneself.
DARTINGLYdartingly adv. In a darting manner; rapidly.
DARTING adv. DART, to move suddenly and swiftly.
DEPARTINGdeparting v. Present participle of depart.
departing adj. That is leaving.
departing adj. While leaving.
EMPARTINGemparting v. Present participle of empart.
EMPART v. (Spenser) to impart.
ENDARTINGendarting v. Present participle of endart.
ENDART v. (Shakespeare) to dart in, also INDART.
IMPARTINGimparting v. Present participle of impart.
imparting n. Communication (a giving or sharing of information etc).
imparting n. Distribution (a sharing or division of something).
INDARTINGindarting v. Present participle of indart.
INDART v. (Shakespeare) to dart in, also ENDART.
MARTINETSmartinets n. Plural of martinet.
MARTINET n. (French) a strict disciplinarian.
MARTINGALmartingal n. Alternative form of martingale (piece of harness for a horse).
MARTINGAL n. a strap from the reins to the girth of a horse preventing it from carrying its head too high, also MARTINGALE.
SPARTINASspartinas n. Plural of spartina.
SPARTINA n. a salt-marsh grass of coastal regions.
STARTINGSstartings n. Plural of starting.
STARTING n. the act of starting.
TARTINESStartiness n. The quality of being tarty.
TARTINESS n. the state of being tarty.
THWARTINGthwarting v. Present participle of thwart.
thwarting n. An instance of blocking or obstructing.
THWARTING adj. obstructive.
UNCARTINGuncarting v. Present participle of uncart.
UNCART v. to take off a cart.
UPDARTINGupdarting v. Present participle of updart.
UPDART v. to dart up.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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