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There are 18 nine-letter words containing AINER

ABSTAINERabstainer n. Agent noun of abstain; one who abstains; especially, one who abstains from something, such as the use…
ABSTAINER n. one who abstains.
ATTAINERSattainers n. Plural of attainer.
ATTAINER n. one who attains.
BARGAINERbargainer n. A person who makes a bargain.
BARGAINER n. one who bargains.
CERTAINERcertainer adj. Comparative form of certain: more certain.
CERTAIN adj. absolutely confident.
CONTAINERcontainer n. Someone who contains; something that contains.
container n. An item in which objects, materials or data can be stored or transported.
container n. (Transport) A very large, typically metal, box used for transporting goods.
DETAINERSdetainers n. Plural of detainer.
DETAINER n. the unlawful withholding of another's property.
ENGRAINERengrainer n. Alternative form of ingrainer.
ENGRAINER n. one who engrains, dyes in a lasting colour, also INGRAINER.
ENTRAINERentrainer n. (Chemistry) A substance used for entraining.
ENTRAINER n. one who entrains.
EXPLAINERexplainer n. Agent noun of explain; one who explains.
explainer n. (Chiefly journalism) A guide that explains a topic.
EXPLAINER n. one who explains.
INGRAINERingrainer n. One who ingrains.
INGRAINER n. one who ingrains, also ENGRAINER.
OBTAINERSobtainers n. Plural of obtainer.
OBTAINER n. one who obtains.
ORDAINERSordainers n. Plural of ordainer.
ORDAINER n. one who ordains.
REFRAINERrefrainer n. One who refrains.
REFRAINER n. one who refrains.
REGAINERSregainers n. Plural of regainer.
REGAINER n. one who regains.
REMAINERSremainers n. Plural of remainer.
Remainers n. Plural of Remainer.
REMAINER n. one who remains.
RETAINERSretainers n. Plural of retainer.
RETAINER n. one that retains.
STRAINERSstrainers n. Plural of strainer.
STRAINER n. a utensil used to separate liquids from solids.
SUSTAINERsustainer n. A person or thing that sustains.
sustainer n. (Aeronautics) A rocket engine that remains with a spacecraft during its ascent after the separation…
sustainer n. (US) A person who makes regular donations, especially to a public radio or television station.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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