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There are 18 eight-letter words containing ATTIN

BATTINGSbattings n. Plural of batting.
BATTING n. cotton-wool prepared in sheets for quilting, also BATT.
BLATTINGblatting v. Present participle of blat.
BLAT v. to bleat, cry like a sheep.
CHATTINGchatting v. Present participle of chat.
chatting n. Talk; chatter.
CHAT v. to talk informally.
CLATTINGclatting v. Present participle of clat.
CLAT v. (Scots) to scratch, scrape.
DRATTINGdratting v. Present participle of drat.
DRAT v. to damn.
FLATTINGflatting n. (Australia, New Zealand) The practice of living, with others, in a flat.
flatting n. (Countable) A type of paint that dries with a flat (matt) finish; a coating of such paint.
flatting n. The process of applying a coating of flatting paint.
HATTINGShattings n. Plural of hatting.
HATTING n. material for hats.
MATTINGSmattings n. Plural of matting.
MATTING n. a woven fabric used as a floor covering.
PLATTINGplatting v. Present participle of plat.
platting n. (Archaic) plaited strips of bark, cane, straw, etc., used for making hats or the like.
PLATTING n. plaited braid, also PLAITING.
PRATTINGPRATT v. (Shakespeare) to beat on the buttocks.
QUATTINGquatting v. Present participle of quat.
QUAT v. to beat down or squash.
RATTINGSrattings n. Plural of ratting.
RATTING n. rat-hunting.
SCATTINGscatting v. Present participle of scat.
scatting n. Scat singing.
SCATTING n. pebble dashing.
SLATTINGslatting v. Present participle of slat.
slatting n. An arrangement of slats.
slatting n. The violent shaking or flapping of anything hanging loose in the wind, as of a sail when being hauled down.
SPATTINGspatting v. Present participle of spat.
SPAT v. to slap, strike.
SWATTINGswatting v. Present participle of swat.
swatting n. A motion or gesture that swats; a swat.
swatting n. (US, slang) The action of making an illegitimate call to the police so as to have a SWAT team dispatched…
TATTINGStattings n. Plural of tatting.
TATTING n. delicate handmade lace.
TWATTINGtwatting v. Present participle of twat.
twatting adj. (UK, slang, vulgar) damned; blasted; contemptible.
TWAT v. (slang) to strike violently.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 27 words
  • Scrabble in French: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 29 words
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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