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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing ARDIN

AWARDINGawarding v. Present participle of award.
awarding n. The act of bestowing an award.
awarding n. The act of giving by official decision such as giving a contract.
BEARDINGbearding v. Present participle of beard.
bearding n. (Television) An undesirable video artifact whereby darker parts of a signal bleed across horizontally…
BEARD v. to oppose with effrontery.
BOARDINGboarding v. Present participle of board.
boarding n. The act of people getting aboard a ship aircraft, train, bus, etc.; embarkation.
boarding n. The act of a sailor or boarding party attacking an enemy ship by boarding it.
CARDINALcardinal adj. Of fundamental importance; crucial, pivotal.
cardinal adj. (Nautical) Of or relating to the cardinal directions (north, south, east and west).
cardinal adj. Describing a "natural" number used to indicate quantity (e.g., zero, one, two, three), as opposed to…
CARDINGScardings n. Plural of carding.
CARDING n. the process of combing and cleaning wool or cotton fibers.
FARDINGSfardings n. Plural of farding.
FARDING n. a farthing.
GUARDINGguarding v. Present participle of guard.
guarding n. (Medicine) Tensing of the muscles, especially of the abdomen, in order to minimise the movement and…
GUARD v. to protect.
HOARDINGhoarding n. (UK) A temporary fence-like structure built around building work to add security and prevent accidents to the public.
hoarding n. A roofed wooden shield placed over the battlements of a castle and projecting from them.
hoarding n. (Chiefly Britain or India) A billboard.
SARDINEDsardined v. Simple past tense and past participle of sardine.
SARDINE v. to pack tightly together.
SARDINESsardines n. Plural of sardine.
sardines n. (Uncountable) A children’s game in which the players hide together, lying side by side.
Sardines n. Plural of Sardine.
SWARDINGswarding v. Present participle of sward.
SWARD v. to cover with turf.
WARDINGSwardings n. Plural of warding.
WARDING n. the act of keeping guard.
YARDINGSYARDING n. a group of animals displayed for sale.
YEARDINGYEARD v. (Scots) to bury, also EARD, YERD, YIRD, YIRTH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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