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There are 12 eight-letter words containing ANNIN

ALKANNINalkannin n. A natural dye and naphthoquinone derivative obtained from the borage plant Alkanna tinctoria, used as…
ALKANNIN n. (Arabic) a wild flower; a reddish plant-based dye obtained from this, also ALKANET.
BANNINGSbannings n. Plural of banning.
Bannings prop.n. Plural of Banning.
BANNING n. the act of imposing a ban.
BRANNINGBranning prop.n. A surname.
BRAN v. to soak in water mixed with the outer coat of cereals.
CANNINGScannings n. Plural of canning.
CANNING n. the business of preserving food in airtight containers.
FANNINGSfannings n. Plural of fanning.
Fannings prop.n. Plural of Fanning.
FANNINGS n. material strained from tea.
PANNINGSpannings n. Plural of panning.
Pannings prop.n. Plural of Panning.
PANNING n. harsh criticism.
PLANNINGplanning v. Present participle of plan.
planning n. (Uncountable) Action of the verb to plan.
planning n. The act of formulating of a course of action, or of drawing up plans.
SCANNINGscanning v. Present participle of scan.
scanning n. The act of something being scanned.
SCANNING n. close examination.
SPANNINGspanning v. Present participle of span.
spanning n. The process by which something is spanned.
SPAN v. to extend over or across.
SWANNINGswanning v. Present participle of swan.
SWANNING n. the act of swanning.
TANNINGStannings n. Plural of tanning.
TANNING n. the process of converting hides into leather.
VANNINGSvannings n. Plural of vanning.
VANNING n. a process by which ores are washed on a shovel, or in a vanner.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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