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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing ANGIN

ANGINOSEanginose adj. (Dated) Relating to angina; anginous.
ANGINOSE adj. relating to angina.
ANGINOUSanginous adj. Of or pertaining to angina, especially to angina pectoris.
ANGINOUS adj. relating to angina.
CHANGINGchanging v. Present participle of change.
changing n. Change; alteration.
CHANGE v. to make or become different.
CLANGINGclanging v. Present participle of clang.
clanging n. A noise that clangs.
clanging n. (Psychology, psychiatry) A mode of speech (or writing) characterized by compulsive association of words…
FLANGINGflanging n. (Architecture) A flange.
flanging n. (Music) A time-based audio effect produced when two identical signals are mixed together, but with one…
FLANGING n. an audio effect that results when the same signal is played from two sources with a minute but variable time delay between them.
GANGINGSgangings n. Plural of ganging.
GANGING n. the act of associating in a gang.
HANGINGShangings n. Plural of hanging.
HANGING n. execution by strangling with a suspended noose.
PHANGINGPHANG v. (Shakespeare) to seize in the teeth.
PRANGINGpranging v. Present participle of prang.
PRANG v. to cause to crash.
RANGINGSrangings n. Plural of ranging.
RANGING n. the act of ranging.
SLANGINGslanging v. Present participle of slang.
SLANGING adj. scolding.
SLANGING n. a scolding.
SPANGINGspanging v. Present participle of spang.
spanging v. Present participle of spange.
SPANG v. to cover with glittering ornaments.
STANGINGstanging v. Present participle of stang.
STANG v. (Scots) to sting.
TWANGINGtwanging v. Present participle of twang.
twanging adj. (Of a sound) twangy.
twanging n. A sound that twangs.
WHANGINGwhanging v. Present participle of whang.
WHANG v. to beat with a whip.
WRANGINGWRANG v. (dialect) to wrong.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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