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There are 15 eight-letter words containing AMPIN

CAMPINGScampings n. Plural of camping.
CAMPING n. the act of living outdoors.
CHAMPINGchamping v. Present participle of champ.
champing n. The sound or action of one who champs (bites or chews).
champing n. The practice of camping overnight in historic churches as a novelty or part of a holiday.
CLAMPINGclamping v. Present participle of clamp.
clamping n. The act by which something is clamped.
CLAMPING n. the act of applying a clamp.
CRAMPINGcramping v. Present participle of cramp.
cramping n. The action of something that cramps.
CRAMP v. to confine or restrain.
DAMPINGSdampings n. Plural of damping.
DAMPING n. the ability of a device to prevent instability.
GLAMPINGglamping n. Any of various luxury forms of camping.
glamping v. Present participle of glamp.
GLAMPING n. a form of camping in which participants enjoy physical comforts associated with more luxurious types of holiday.
LAMPINGSLampings prop.n. Plural of Lamping.
LAMPING n. the hunting of rabbits etc. by using bright lights to lure them out of their holes.
RAMPINGSrampings n. Plural of ramping.
RAMPING n. the practice of causing large, false increases in the price of shares etc. by dishonest means.
RIFAMPINrifampin n. (Pharmacology) US form of rifampicin.
RIFAMPIN n. an antibiotic.
SCAMPINGscamping v. Present participle of scamp.
SCAMPING n. work done without thoroughness.
STAMPINGstamping v. Present participle and gerund of stamp.
stamping n. The sound or action of one who stamps.
stamping n. A method of manufacturing using dies and extreme pressure.
SWAMPINGswamping v. Present participle of swamp.
swamping n. An act of swamping (drenching or filling with water).
SWAMP v. to inundate.
TAMPINGStampings n. Plural of tamping.
TAMPING n. the act of filling a hole for blasting.
TRAMPINGtramping v. Present participle of tramp.
tramping n. The act or sound of one who tramps, or walks heavily.
tramping n. (Australia, New Zealand, uncountable) Walking in the countryside for pleasure or sport; hiking.
VAMPINGSvampings n. Plural of vamping.
VAMPING n. the patching of something.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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