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There are 13 eight-letter words containing AININ

BRAININGbraining v. Present participle of brain.
BRAIN v. to dash out the brains of.
CHAININGchaining v. Present participle of chain.
chaining n. The act or process by which something is chained.
CHAIN v. to bind with linked rings.
DRAININGdraining v. Present participle of drain.
draining n. (Uncountable) The practice of exploring drains, tunnels, or sewers.
draining n. (Countable) The process by which something is drained or emptied.
GAININGSgainings n. Plural of gaining.
GAININGS n. things which are gained.
GRAININGgraining v. Present participle of grain.
graining n. The practice of imitating woodgrain on a surface.
graining n. Indentation; roughening; milling, as on edges of coins.
HAININGShainings n. Plural of haining.
HAINING n. an enclosure.
MAGAININmagainin n. Any of the antimicrobial peptides isolated from the skin of the African clawed frog.
MAGAININ n. one of several chemicals derived from frog skin.
PLAININGplaining v. Present participle of plain.
plaining n. A lamentation.
PLAINING n. (Shakespeare) complaint.
SDAINING'sdaining v. Present participle of ’sdain.
SDAINE v. (obsolete) to disdain, also SDAYN, SDEIGN, SDEIGNE, SDEIN.
SPAININGSPAIN v. (Scots) to wean, also SPANE, SPEAN.
STAININGstaining v. Present participle of stain.
STAINING n. the act of staining.
SWAININGswaining n. (Informal, slang) Lovemaking; courtship.
SWAINING n. lovemaking.
TRAININGtraining v. Present participle of train.
training n. Action of the verb to train. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
training n. The activity of imparting and acquiring skills.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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