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There are 13 eight-letter words containing AINER

ATTAINERattainer n. One who attains.
ATTAINER n. one who attains.
CHAINERSchainers n. Plural of chainer.
CHAINER n. one who chains.
DETAINERdetainer n. (Law) The right to keep a person, or a person’s goods or property, against his will. A type of custody.
detainer n. One who detains.
DETAINER n. the unlawful withholding of another's property.
DRAINERSdrainers n. Plural of drainer.
DRAINER n. someone or something that drains.
GRAINERSgrainers n. Plural of grainer.
GRAINER n. a person who grains; a paintbrush for graining.
OBTAINERobtainer n. One who obtains.
OBTAINER n. one who obtains.
ORDAINERordainer n. A person (usually a clergyman) who ordains.
ORDAINER n. one who ordains.
REGAINERregainer n. One who regains (especially body weight).
REGAINER n. one who regains.
REMAINERremainer n. One who remains.
remainer n. (UK politics) Alternative letter-case form of Remainer.
remainer n. Obsolete form of remainder.
RETAINERretainer n. Any thing or person that retains.
retainer n. A dependent or follower of someone of rank.
retainer n. A paid servant, especially one who has been employed for many years.
STAINERSstainers n. Plural of stainer.
STAINER n. that which stains.
STRAINERstrainer n. A device through which a liquid is passed for purification, filtering or separation from solid matter;…
strainer n. A perforated screen or openwork (usually at the end of a suction pipe of a pump), used to prevent solid…
strainer n. One who strains.
TRAINERStrainers n. Plural of trainer.
TRAINER n. a soft running shoe, usually laced, with a thick sole, used in training or for general casual wear.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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