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There are 15 seven-letter words containing ASING

ABASINGabasing v. Present participle of abase.
ABASE v. to lower in rank, prestige, or esteem.
BIASINGbiasing v. Present participle of bias.
biasing n. The process of adding a bias.
BIASING n. the act of making a bias.
CASINGScasings n. Plural of casing.
casings n. (UK, dialect, archaic) Dried cattle dung used as fuel.
CASING n. a protective outer covering.
CEASINGceasing v. Present participle of cease.
ceasing n. A cessation.
CEASING n. an order to cease firing.
CHASINGchasing v. Present participle of chase.
chasing n. Engraved or embossed decoration.
CHASING n. a design engraved on metal.
EASINGSeasings n. Plural of easing.
EASING n. the act of freeing from pain or trouble.
ERASINGerasing v. Present participle of erase.
ERASE v. to efface or rub out.
FEASINGfeasing v. Present participle of fease.
LASINGSlasings n. Plural of lasing.
LASING n. the act of using a laser.
LEASINGleasing n. (Archaic) A lie; the act of lying, falsehood.
leasing v. Present participle of lease.
leasing n. Gerund of lease.
MEASINGMEASE v. (Scots) to make less severe, mitigate.
PEASINGpeasing v. Present participle of pease.
PEASE v. (obsolete) to balance, poise, also PEISE, PEAZE, PEIZE, PEYSE, POYSE.
PHASINGphasing v. Present participle of phase.
phasing n. Movement through phases; arrangement of a sequence or cycle.
PHASING n. a type of electronic effect.
SEASINGseasing v. Present participle of sease.
SEASE v. (Spenser) to seize, also SEAZE.
TEASINGteasing v. Present participle of tease.
teasing n. The act of teasing; making fun of or making light of.
TEASING adj. making fun of.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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