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There are 9 seven-letter words containing ARRAN

ARRANGEarrange v. (Transitive) To set up; to organize; to put into an orderly sequence or arrangement.
arrange v. (Transitive, intransitive) To plan; to prepare in advance.
arrange v. (Music, transitive, intransitive) To prepare and adapt an already-written composition for presentation…
FARRANDfarrand adj. (Obsolete, Scotland, Ireland, Northern England) Having a specified form or disposition; fashioned.
Farrand prop.n. A surname.
FARRAND adj. (Scots) having a certain manner or humour, also FARAND, FARRANT.
FARRANTFARRANT adj. (Scots) having a certain manner or appearance, also FARAND, FARRAND.
GARRANSgarrans n. Plural of garran.
GARRAN n. (Irish) a small sturdy horse, also GARRON.
MARRANOmarrano n. (Historical) A Jew who converted to Catholicism under threat or force.
Marrano n. (Historical) Any of the Sephardi Jews who stayed in Iberia during the Spanish Inquisition, and continued…
MARRANO n. (Spanish) a Jew who has converted to Christianity to avoid persecution.
WARRANDwarrand v. Obsolete form of warrant.
WARRAND v. (obsolete) to warrant, also WARRAN.
WARRANSWARRAN v. (obsolete) to warrant, also WARRAND.
WARRANTwarrant n. Authorization or certification; a sanction, as given by a superior.
warrant n. (Countable) Something that provides assurance or confirmation; a guarantee or proof.
warrant n. (Countable) An order that serves as authorization; especially a voucher authorizing payment or receipt of money.
YARRANSyarrans n. Plural of yarran.
YARRAN n. (Native Australian) a small eucalyptus tree.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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