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There are 14 seven-letter words containing ANTER

BANTERSbanters v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of banter.
BANTER v. to exchange mildly teasing remarks.
CANTERScanters n. Plural of canter.
canters v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of canter.
Canters prop.n. Plural of Canter.
CHANTERchanter n. One who chants or sings.
chanter n. A priest who sings in a chantry.
chanter n. The pipe of a bagpipe on which the melody is played.
GRANTERgranter n. One who grants.
GRANTER n. the person by whom a grant or conveyance is made, also GRANTOR.
LANTERNlantern n. A case of translucent or transparent material made to protect a flame, or light, used to illuminate its surroundings.
lantern n. (Theater) Especially, a metal casing with lens used to illuminate a stage (e.g. spotlight, floodlight).
lantern n. (Architecture) An open structure of light material set upon a roof, to give light and air to the interior.
PANTERSpanters n. Plural of panter.
Panters prop.n. Plural of Panter.
PANTER n. (Shakespeare) the officer in a great family who had charge of the bread and other provisions, also PANTLER.
PLANTERplanter n. One who plants something.
planter n. A box or pot for plants, usually large and standing on the floor.
planter n. (Historical) Any of the early English or Scottish settlers, given the lands of the dispossessed Irish…
RANTERSranters n. Plural of ranter.
Ranters n. Plural of Ranter.
RANTER n. one who rants.
SANTERAsantera n. A woman who crafts santos (religious statues).
SANTERA n. (Spanish) a priestess of santeria.
SANTEROsantero n. A man who crafts santos (religious statues).
SANTERO n. (Spanish) a priest of santeria, a Caribbean religion.
SCANTERscanter adj. Comparative form of scant: more scant.
SCANT adj. scarce.
SLANTERslanter n. A term or turn of phrase, such as a euphemism, that puts a positive or negative slant on something.
SLANTER n. (Australian slang) a dodge, a trick, also SLENTER, SLINTER.
TRANTERtranter n. (Obsolete, UK, dialect) One who trants; a peddler; a carrier.
Tranter prop.n. A surname originating as an occupation.
TRANTER n. one who trants; a peddler; a carrier.
WANTERSwanters n. Plural of wanter.
WANTER n. one who wants.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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