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There are 15 seven-letter words containing ANNER

BANNERSbanners n. Plural of banner.
banners v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of banner.
BANNER v. to furnish with a flag.
BRANNERBranner prop.n. A surname from German.
BRANNER n. one that brans.
CANNERScanners n. Plural of canner.
Canners prop.n. Plural of Canner.
CANNER n. one that cans food.
CANNERYcannery n. A factory that produces canned goods.
CANNERY n. a place where food is canned.
CHANNERchanner n. A flat fragment of sandstone, slate, etc. found in soil.
channer n. (Internet slang) A user of the imageboard site 4chan; a 4channer.
channer n. (By extension) A user of other imageboard sites similar to 4chan.
FANNERSfanners n. Plural of fanner.
FANNER n. one who fans.
LANNERSlanners n. Plural of lanner.
LANNER n. a kind of falcon.
MANNERSmanners n. Plural of manner.
manners n. Etiquette.
Manners prop.n. A surname from Norman.
PANNERSpanners n. Plural of panner.
PANNER n. one who pans for gold.
PLANNERplanner n. One who plans.
planner n. A notebook or software in which one keeps reminders of items such as appointments, tasks, projects, and contacts.
PLANNER n. one who plans.
SCANNERscanner n. A device which scans documents in order to convert them to a digital medium.
scanner n. A radio receiver which iterates through a sequence of frequencies to detect signal.
scanner n. A device which uses radiation (Ultrasound, X-ray, etc.) to generate images of tissue or surfaces for…
SPANNERspanner n. (Australia, New Zealand, Britain, Ireland) A hand tool for adjusting nuts and bolts; a wrench.
spanner n. (Rare) One who, or that which, spans.
spanner n. (Weaponry) A hand tool shaped like a small crank handle, for winding the spring of a wheel lock on a musket.
TANNERStanners n. Plural of tanner.
TANNER n. in pre-decimal coinage, a sixpence.
TANNERYtannery n. A place where people tan hides to make leather.
tannery n. (Uncountable) The business of a tanner.
TANNERY n. a place where hides are tanned.
VANNERSvanners n. Plural of vanner.
VANNER n. a person who owns a van.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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