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There are 19 seven-letter words containing AMPER

AMPERESamperes n. Plural of ampere.
ampères n. Plural of ampère.
AMPERE n. (French) a unit of electric current strength.
CAMPERScampers n. Plural of camper.
Campers prop.n. Plural of Camper.
CAMPER n. one who lives in the open.
CAMPERYcampery n. Ostentatiously effeminate behaviour from a man.
CAMPERY n. being camp.
CHAMPERchamper n. One who champs (bites or chews).
champer n. One who engages in champing, in the sense of camping in churches.
CHAMPER n. one who champs, or bites.
CLAMPERclamper n. One who, or that which, clamps.
clamper n. An attachment with sharp metal prongs, attached to a boot or shoe to enable the wearer to walk securely upon ice.
clamper n. (Electronics) A circuit that restricts the amplitude of a waveform.
CRAMPERCRAMPER n. a spiked metal plate, used as a brace for the feet in the sport of curling.
DAMPERSdampers n. Plural of damper.
DAMPER n. (Australian slang) a simple kind of unleavened cake or bread made of flour and water and baked in hot ashes.
HAMPERShampers n. Plural of hamper.
hampers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hamper.
HAMPER v. to hinder, obstruct.
LAMPERNlampern n. The European river lamprey, Lampetra fluviatilis.
LAMPERN n. a primitive fishlike vertebrate, also LAMPER, LAMPREY.
LAMPERSlampers n. Alternative form of lampas.
LAMPERS n. inflammation of the roof of a horse's mouth, also LAMPAS, LAMPASSE.
PAMPEROpampero n. A violent wind from the west or southwest, which sweeps over the pampas of South America and the adjacent…
Pampero n. A member of a Native American tribe inhabiting the pampas of South America.
PAMPERO n. (Spanish) a violent SW wind on and from the pampas.
PAMPERSpampers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pamper.
pampers n. (Informal) A diaper or nappy (absorbent garment worn by a baby, or by someone who is incontinent).
Pampers n. (Singapore) disposable diaper.
RAMPERSrampers n. Plural of ramper.
RAMPER n. one who makes a disturbance to cover the activities of others.
SCAMPERscamper n. A quick, light run.
scamper v. (Intransitive) To run quickly and lightly, especially in a playful or undignified manner.
scamper n. One who skimps or does slipshod work.
STAMPERstamper n. One who stamps.
stamper n. An instrument for pounding or stamping.
stamper n. A physical template from which many identical vinyl records or compact discs can be produced.
SWAMPERswamper n. (US) A person who lives in a swampy area.
swamper n. (US) A person who clears a road for lumberers in a forest or swamp.
swamper n. Someone or something that swamps or overwhelms.
TAMPERStampers n. Plural of tamper.
tampers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tamper.
TAMPER v. to interfere in a harmful manner.
TRAMPERtramper n. One who tramps.
tramper n. (Chiefly New Zealand) A recreational hiker.
tramper n. (Manufacturing) A mechanism which pounds material into a more compact form for further processing; found…
VAMPERSvampers n. Plural of vamper.
VAMPER n. one who vamps; one who pieces an old thing with something new.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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