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There are 7 seven-letter words containing AINER

CHAINERchainer n. One who chains.
CHAINER n. one who chains.
DRAINERdrainer n. That which drains.
drainer n. A frame or rack for allowing washed crockery etc to dry naturally.
drainer n. A perforated rack on which washed dishes, etc. may be placed in order to dry.
GAINERSgainers n. Plural of gainer.
Gainers prop.n. Plural of Gainer.
GAINER n. one who gains.
GRAINERgrainer n. A knife for taking the hair off skins.
grainer n. An infusion of pigeon’s dung used by tanners to neutralize the effects of lime and give flexibility…
grainer n. One who grains (paints in imitation of the grain of wood, marble, etc).
PLAINERplainer adj. Comparative form of plain: more plain.
PLAIN adj. unadorned.
STAINERstainer n. Something that stains.
stainer n. One who stains or tarnishes.
stainer n. A workman who applies a stain to wood, etc.
TRAINERtrainer n. A person who trains another; a coach.
trainer n. (Sports) A person responsible for treating injuries sustained by players during matches; a physiotherapist.
trainer n. (Britain) A running shoe or sneaker.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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