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There are 9 six-letter words containing ANGER

ANGERSangers n. Plural of anger.
angers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of anger.
Angers prop.n. A city, the capital of the Maine-et-Loire department, Pays de la Loire, France.
BANGERbanger n. A thing or person which bangs, in any sense.
banger n. (Britain, sexuality, slang) A woman’s breast.
banger n. (Britain, sexuality, slang) A man’s penis.
DANGERdanger n. Exposure to likely harm; peril.
danger n. An instance or cause of likely harm.
danger n. (Obsolete) Mischief.
GANGERganger n. (Chiefly Scotland) One who or that which walks or goes; a goer; a walker.
ganger n. A horse that goes quickly.
ganger n. One who oversees a gang of workmen.
HANGERhanger n. One who hangs, or causes to be hanged; a hangman, paper hanger, etc.
hanger n. A person who attempts suicide by hanging.
hanger n. That by which a thing is suspended.
LANGERlanger n. (Slang, Ireland, derogatory) Fool; idiot; annoying or contemptible person (usually male).
langer n. (Slang, Ireland, derogatory, offensive, used in Cork) A person from south county Dublin.
langer n. (Slang, Ireland, vulgar) Penis.
MANGERmanger n. A trough for animals to eat from.
Manger prop.n. A surname.
MANGER n. a feeding trough for cattle.
RANGERranger n. One who ranges; a rover.
ranger n. A keeper, guardian, or soldier who ranges over a region (generally of wilderness) to protect the area…
ranger n. (Obsolete) That which separates or arranges; a sieve.
SANGERsanger n. (Australia, informal, colloquial) A sandwich.
sanger n. Alternative form of sangar.
Sanger prop.n. A surname originating as an occupation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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