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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 15 fourteen-letter words containing ATISM

ANAGRAMMATISMSanagrammatisms n. Plural of anagrammatism.
ANAGRAMMATISM n. the practice of constructing anagrams.
ANASTIGMATISMSANASTIGMATISM n. being free from astigmatism.
ARISTOCRATISMSaristocratisms n. Plural of aristocratism.
ARISTOCRATISM n. the spirit of, practices of, or belief in aristocracy.
BUREAUCRATISMSbureaucratisms n. Plural of bureaucratism.
BUREAUCRATISM n. bureaucracy.
EPIGRAMMATISMSEPIGRAMMATISM n. the making of epigrams.
HOMOCHROMATISMHOMOCHROMATISM n. the state of being homochromatic.
LIPOGRAMMATISMlipogrammatism n. Lipogrammatic writing.
LIPOGRAMMATISM n. the practice of writing lipograms.
METACHROMATISMmetachromatism n. Metachromasia.
METACHROMATISM n. a change in colour, esp. when caused by a change in temperature.
MONOCHROMATISMmonochromatism n. The condition of being monochromatic.
monochromatism n. (Pathology) The condition of being totally colour blind; achromatopsia.
MONOCHROMATISM n. complete color blindness in which all colors appear as shades of gray.
PANCHROMATISMSPANCHROMATISM n. being equally sensitive to all colours.
PANSPERMATISMSPANSPERMATISM n. the theory that life could be diffused through the universe by means of germs carried by meteorites, also PANSPERMIA, PANSPERMISM, PANSPERMY.
POLYCHROMATISMpolychromatism n. The condition of being polychromatic.
POLYCHROMATISM n. being multicoloured.
SYNAPOSEMATISMSYNAPOSEMATISM n. warning coloration common to many species in region.
TRICHROMATISMStrichromatisms n. Plural of trichromatism.
TRICHROMATISM n. use of the three primary colors for color reproduction; normal color vision.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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