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There are 12 twelve-letter words containing ACULA

EJACULATIONSejaculations n. Plural of ejaculation.
EJACULATION n. an act of ejaculating.
GUBERNACULARgubernacular adj. Relating to the gubernaculum.
GUBERNACULAR adj. relating to the gubernaculum, in mammals, the cord supporting the testicles in the scrotal sac.
IMMACULACIESimmaculacies n. Plural of immaculacy.
IMMACULACY n. the state of being immaculate.
IMMACULATELYimmaculately adv. In an immaculate manner; in a manner free of stain or blemish; without being defiled.
immaculately adv. In a manner free of error; in a perfect or flawless manner.
IMMACULATE adv. having no stain or blemish.
ORACULARNESSoracularness n. Oracularity.
ORACULARNESS n. the state of being oracular.
RECEPTACULARreceptacular adj. (Botany) Pertaining to, or growing in, the receptacle.
RECEPTACULAR adj. of or like a receptacle.
SPECTACULARSspectaculars n. Plural of spectacular.
SPECTACULAR n. something that is spectacular.
SUPERNACULARsupernacular adj. (Obsolete, humorous, of alcoholic drink) Of outstanding quality; that one would wish to drink to the last drop.
SUPERNACULAR adj. very good; first rate.
SUSTENTACULAsustentacula n. Plural of sustentaculum.
SUSTENTACULUM n. a supporting part or structure.
TABERNACULARtabernacular adj. Pertaining to a tabernacle.
tabernacular adj. Of the style or character of an architectural tabernacle; formed in latticework; latticed.
tabernacular adj. (Rare) Of or pertaining to huts or tents; common; low.
VERNACULARLYvernacularly adv. In a vernacular way.
VERNACULAR adv. indigenous, native, spoken by the people of the country or of one's own country.
VIBRACULARIAvibracularia n. Plural of vibracularium.
VIBRACULARIUM n. a long bristle, a modified zooid, in some Polyzoa.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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