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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing ARILY

ACCESSARILYaccessarily adv. In the manner of an accessary.
ACCESSARY adv. accompanying, as a subordinate, also ACCESSORY.
ARBITRARILYarbitrarily adv. In an arbitrary manner.
arbitrarily adv. To an arbitrary degree.
ARBITRARY adv. arising from accident rather than from rule.
CUSTOMARILYcustomarily adv. (Manner) In the customary manner; as is custom.
customarily adv. (Frequency) Under normal circumstances, normally.
CUSTOMARY adv. according to custom.
EXEMPLARILYexemplarily adv. In an exemplary manner; ideally, admirably.
EXEMPLARY adv. serving as an example.
FIDUCIARILYfiduciarily adv. In a fiduciary manner.
FIDUCIARY adv. holding in trust.
IMAGINARILYimaginarily adv. In an imaginary way, in the imagination.
imaginarily adv. (Obsolete) By way of an image.
IMAGINARY adv. imagined.
JUDICIARILYjudiciarily adv. In a judiciary manner.
JUDICIARY adv. having judicial power.
LEGENDARILYlegendarily adv. In the manner of something legendary.
legendarily adv. According to legend.
LEGENDARY adv. having the nature of legend.
MERCENARILYmercenarily adv. In a mercenary way, for selfish reason of profit or gain.
MERCENARY adv. hired for money; motivated by the hope of reward.
MOMENTARILYmomentarily adv. (Manner) In a momentary manner; for a moment or instant.
momentarily adv. (US, proscribed, duration) In a moment or very soon; any minute now, any time now.
momentarily adv. Progressively; moment by moment.
NECESSARILYnecessarily adv. Inevitably; of necessity.
NECESSARY adv. needed.
PECUNIARILYpecuniarily adv. In a pecuniary manner; in terms of money; financially.
PECUNIARY adv. pertaining to money.
SECONDARILYsecondarily adv. With lesser importance.
secondarily adv. In a secondary manner or degree.
secondarily adv. (Obsolete) Secondly; in the second place.
SEDENTARILYsedentarily adv. In a sedentary way.
SEDENTARY adv. sitting; living in a fixed location.
TEMPORARILYtemporarily adv. For a limited period of time; not permanently.
TEMPORARY adv. not permanent.
TRIBUTARILYtributarily adv. In a tributary manner.
TRIBUTARY adv. paying tribute.
VOLUNTARILYvoluntarily adv. In a voluntary manner.
VOLUNTARY adv. not compulsory.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 27 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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