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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing ADICA

ANTIRADICALantiradical adj. (Biochemistry) Counteracting free radicals.
antiradical adj. (Politics) Opposing or countering a radical ideology.
antiradical n. (Medicine) A drug that counter free radicals.
ERADICATINGeradicating v. Present participle of eradicate.
ERADICATE v. to root out.
ERADICATIONeradication n. The act of plucking up by the roots; an uprooting; extirpation; utter destruction.
eradication n. The state of being plucked up by the roots.
ERADICATION n. the act of eradicating.
ERADICATIVEeradicative adj. Tending or serving to eradicate; curing or destroying thoroughly, as a disease or any evil.
eradicative n. (Rare) That which eradicates.
ERADICATIVE adj. serving to eradicate or drive thoroughly away.
ERADICATORSeradicators n. Plural of eradicator.
ERADICATOR n. one who eradicates.
IRRADICABLEirradicable adj. (Rare) Incapable of being rooted out or eradicated.
IRRADICABLE adj. that cannot be eradicated.
IRRADICABLYirradicably adv. In an irradicable manner.
IRRADICABLE adv. that cannot be eradicated.
IRRADICATEDirradicated v. Simple past tense and past participle of irradicate.
IRRADICATE v. to fix firmly.
IRRADICATESirradicates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of irradicate.
IRRADICATE v. to fix firmly.
MONADICALLYmonadically adv. In a monadic manner; as a monad or by means of monads.
MONADICAL adv. of, pertaining to, or like, a monad, in any of its senses, also MONADIC.
NOMADICALLYnomadically adv. In a nomadic way.
NOMADIC adv. like a nomad.
RADICALISEDradicalised v. Simple past tense and past participle of radicalise.
RADICALISE v. to make or become radical, also RADICALIZE.
RADICALISESradicalises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of radicalise.
RADICALISE v. to make or become radical, also RADICALIZE.
RADICALISMSradicalisms n. Plural of radicalism.
RADICALISM n. the state of being radical.
RADICALIZEDradicalized v. Simple past tense and past participle of radicalize.
radicalized adj. That has been through the process of radicalization.
RADICALIZE v. to make or become radical, also RADICALISE.
RADICALIZESradicalizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of radicalize.
RADICALIZE v. to make or become radical, also RADICALISE.
RADICALNESSradicalness n. The state or the quality of being radical.
RADICALNESS n. the state of being radical.
RADICATIONSradications n. Plural of radication.
RADICATION n. the process of taking root.
TRIADICALLYtriadically adv. In a triadic manner.
triadically adv. With reference to triads.
TRIADIC adv. having the characteristics of a triad.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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