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There are 17 ten-letter words containing ANCHE

AVALANCHEDavalanched v. Simple past tense and past participle of avalanche.
AVALANCHE v. to descend as an avalanche.
AVALANCHESavalanches n. Plural of avalanche.
avalanches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of avalanche.
AVALANCHE n. a generic term for any slide of snow, ice, and debris.
CATANANCHECATANANCHE n. any plant of the South European genus Catananche, some of which are grown for their blue and white flowers.
COMANCHEROComanchero n. (Historical) A Hispanic trader of New Mexico who made a living by trading with the nomadic plains tribes…
COMANCHERO n. (Spanish) in the 19th century, a person who traded with the Plains Indians.
FIANCHETTIfianchetti n. Plural of fianchetto.
FIANCHETTO n. (Italian) in chess, the development of bishop on the N2 diagonal.
FIANCHETTOfianchetto n. (Chess) The development of a bishop by moving it one square to a long diagonal; specifically, a set…
fianchetto v. (Chess) To play a fianchetto.
FIANCHETTO n. (Italian) in chess, the development of bishop on the N2 diagonal.
MANCHESTERmanchester n. (Obsolete) A type of cotton fabric, or a piece of clothing made from such fabric.
manchester n. (Australia, New Zealand, uncountable) Household linen.
Manchester prop.n. A major city and metropolitan borough of Greater Manchester, in northwestern England.
PLANCHETTEplanchette n. A small plank.
planchette n. (Spiritualism) A type of Ouija board. (A small tablet of wood supported on casters and having a pencil…
planchette n. A plane table.
RANCHERIASrancherias n. Plural of rancheria.
RANCHERIA n. (Spanish) in Spanish America and the western US, a collection of Indian huts; a place or house where a number of rancheros live.
RANCHERIESrancheries n. Plural of rancherie.
RANCHERIE n. a Canadian Indian village or settlement, esp. on a reserve.
RANCHETTESranchettes n. Plural of ranchette (A small ranch.).
RANCHETTE n. a small-scale ranch, typically of only a few acres.
REBRANCHEDrebranched v. Simple past tense and past participle of rebranch.
REBRANCH v. to form secondary branches.
REBRANCHESrebranches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rebranch.
REBRANCH v. to form secondary branches.
SARPANCHESsarpanches n. Plural of sarpanch.
SARPANCH n. (Hindi) the head of an Indian village.
STANCHEREDSTANCHER v. to support by means of an iron bar, also STANCHEL, STANCHION.
UNBRANCHEDunbranched adj. Having no branches.
unbranched adj. (Organic chemistry) straight-chain.
un-branched adj. (Nonstandard) Alternative form of unbranched.
UNSTANCHEDunstanched adj. Not stanched.
UNSTANCHED adj. not stanched.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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