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There are 13 ten-letter words containing AGOGI

ANAGOGICALanagogical adj. Anagogic.
ANAGOGICAL adj. relating to mystical interpretation, also ANAGOGIC.
APAGOGICALapagogical adj. Alternative form of apagogic.
APAGOGICAL adj. proving indirectly, by showing the absurdity, or impossibility of the contrary, also APAGOGIC.
CHOLAGOGICcholagogic adj. Relating to, or serving as, a cholagogue.
CHOLAGOGIC adj. of or like a cholagogue.
DEMAGOGIESdemagogies n. Plural of demagogy.
DEMAGOGY n. the rule of a demagog.
DEMAGOGINGdemagoging v. Present participle of demagog.
DEMAGOG v. (Greek) to behave like a leader who appeals to baser emotions, also DEMAGOGUE.
DEMAGOGISMdemagogism n. The practices and principles of a demagogue; a pandering to the multitude for selfish ends.
DEMAGOGISM n. the practices of a demagogue, also DEMAGOGUISM, DEMAGOGY.
HYPNAGOGIChypnagogic adj. That induces sleep; soporific, somniferous.
hypnagogic adj. That accompanies falling asleep; especially, pertaining to the semi-conscious period immediately preceding sleep.
HYPNAGOGIC adj. of, relating to, or occurring in the period of drowsiness immediately preceding sleep, also HYPNOGOGIC.
MYSTAGOGICmystagogic adj. Of or relating to mystagogy.
MYSTAGOGIC adj. relating to religious ritual initiation, also MYSTAGOGICAL.
PAEDAGOGICpaedagogic adj. (Chiefly British spelling) Alternative form of pedagogic.
pædagogic adj. Obsolete form of pedagogic.
PAEDAGOGIC adj. like a paedagogue, also PEDAGOGIC, PEDAGOGICAL.
PEDAGOGICSpedagogics n. The science or art of teaching; pedagogy.
PEDAGOGICS n. the science and principles of teaching.
PEDAGOGIESpedagogies n. Plural of pedagogy.
PEDAGOGY n. the work of a teacher.
PEDAGOGISMpedagogism n. The character, manner, occupation, or system of pedagogues.
PEDAGOGISM n. the spirit or system of pedagogues.
SIALAGOGICsialagogic adj. Alternative form of sialogogic.
SIALAGOGIC adj. promoting salivation, also SIALOGOGIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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