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There are 7 ten-letter words containing ABAND

ABANDONEESabandonees n. Plural of abandonee.
ABANDONEE n. one to whom anything is legally abandoned.
ABANDONERSabandoners n. Plural of abandoner.
ABANDONER n. one who abandons.
ABANDONINGabandoning v. Present participle and gerund of abandon.
abandoning n. An act in which something or someone is abandoned; abandonment, neglect.
ABANDON v. to leave or give up completely.
ALABANDINEALABANDINE n. a deep red garnet consisting of an iron aluminum silicate, also ALMANDINE, ALMANDITE, ALMONDITE.
ALABANDITEalabandite n. (Mineralogy) A mineral form of manganese sulfide, MnS, sometimes found in meteorites.
ALABANDITE n. a cubic mineral, magnesium sulphide.
CONTRABANDcontraband n. (Uncountable) Any goods which are illicit or illegal to possess.
contraband n. (Uncountable) Goods which are prohibited from being traded, smuggled goods.
contraband n. (Countable, US, historical) A black slave during the American Civil War who had escaped to, or been…
SARABANDESsarabandes n. Plural of sarabande.
SARABANDE n. (Spanish) a stately court dance of the 17th and 18th centuries, resembling the minuet, also SARABAND.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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