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There are 18 words containing AZUR

AZUREazure n. (Countable and uncountable) The clear blue colour of the sky; also, a pigment or dye of this colour.
azure n. (Heraldry) A blue colour on a coat of arms, represented in engraving by horizontal parallel lines.
azure n. (Poetic) The unclouded sky; the blue vault above.
AZURNazurn adj. Obsolete form of azure.
AZURN adj. (Milton) azure, also AZURE, AZUREAN, AZURY.
AZURYazury adj. (Archaic) Somewhat azure in colour.
AZURY n. a bluish colour, also AZURE, AZUREAN, AZURN.
AZURESazures n. Plural of azure.
azures v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of azure.
Azures prop.n. Plural of Azure.
RAZURErazure n. The act of erasing or effacing, or the state of being effaced; obliteration.
razure n. An erasure; a change made by erasing.
RAZURE n. the act of scraping, also RASURE.
AZUREANazurean adj. Of a fine blue color; azure.
AZUREAN adj. azure, also AZURN.
AZURIESAZURY n. a bluish colour, also AZURE, AZUREAN, AZURN.
AZURINEazurine adj. Sky-blue; azure.
azurine n. A type of rudd or redeye, the blue roach of Europe (Scardinius erythrophthalmus, syn. Leuciscus caeruleus)…
AZURINE n. a freshwater fish, the blue roach.
AZURITEazurite n. (Mineralogy) A blue vitreous mineral; a basic copper carbonate, with the chemical formula Cu2+3(CO3
AZURITE n. a blue carbonate of copper, aka blue malachite.
MAZURKAmazurka n. (Music) A Polish folk dance in triple time, usually moderately fast, containing a heavy accent on the…
mazurka n. (Music) A classical musical composition inspired by the folk dance and conforming in some respects to…
mazurka n. (Figure skating) A figure skating move that combines elements of the toe loop and bunny-hop.
RAZURESrazures n. Plural of razure.
RAZURE n. the act of scraping, also RASURE.
AZURINESazurines n. Plural of azurine.
AZURINE n. a freshwater fish, the blue roach.
AZURITESazurites n. Plural of azurite.
AZURITE n. a blue carbonate of copper, aka blue malachite.
LAZURITElazurite n. (Mineralogy) A mineral of metamorphosed limestones. Lazurite forms the gemstone lapis lazuli, and crushed…
LAZURITE n. a blue cubic mineral, sodium aluminum silicate.
MAZURKASmazurkas n. Plural of mazurka.
MAZURKA n. (Polish) a Polish folk dance, also MAZOURKA.
EMBRAZUREembrazure n. Alternative form of embrasure.
EMBRAZURE n. (French) a loophole in fortifications; a window-opening with slanted sides, also EMBRASURE.
LAZURITESlazurites n. Plural of lazurite.
LAZURITE n. a blue cubic mineral, sodium aluminum silicate.
EMBRAZURESembrazures n. Plural of embrazure.
EMBRAZURE n. (French) a loophole in fortifications; a window-opening with slanted sides, also EMBRASURE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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