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There are 11 words containing AYOR

MAYORmayor n. The chief executive of the municipal government of a city, borough, etc., formerly (historical) usually…
mayor n. (Historical) Short for mayor of the palace, the royal stewards of the Frankish Empire.
mayor n. (Historical) Synonym of mair, various former officials in the Kingdom of Scotland.
PAYORpayor n. (Law, healthcare, medical insurance) One who makes a payment.
PAYOR n. one who pays, also PAYER.
MAYORSmayors n. Plural of mayor.
MAYOR n. the chief executive official of a city or borough.
PAYORSpayors n. Plural of payor.
PAYOR n. one who pays, also PAYER.
MAYORALmayoral adj. Relating to a mayor (or the office of the mayor).
Mayoral prop.n. A surname.
MAYORAL adj. pertaining to the mayor.
MAYORESSmayoress n. A female mayor.
mayoress n. The wife of a (male) mayor.
mayoress n. A daughter or female friend of a male mayor chosen by him to hold the title mayoress.
MAYORALTYmayoralty n. The office of a mayor, or the tenure during which a particular mayor holds office, where the time span…
MAYORALTY n. the office, or the term of office, of a mayor.
MAYORSHIPmayorship n. The office or role of a mayor.
MAYORSHIP n. the office of a mayor.
MAYORESSESmayoresses n. Plural of mayoress.
MAYORESS n. a female mayor.
MAYORSHIPSmayorships n. Plural of mayorship.
MAYORSHIP n. the office of a mayor.
MAYORALTIESmayoralties n. Plural of mayoralty.
MAYORALTY n. the office, or the term of office, of a mayor.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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