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There are 15 words containing AWSE

HAWSEhawse n. (Nautical) The part of the bow containing the hawseholes.
hawse n. (Nautical) A hawsehole or hawsepipe.
hawse n. (Nautical) The horizontal distance or area between an anchored vessel’s bows and the actual position…
HAWSEDhawsed v. Simple past tense and past participle of hawse.
HAWSE v. to salute, greet, also HALSE, HAUSE.
HAWSEHOLEhawsehole n. (Nautical) The hole through which a ship’s anchor rope is passed.
hawsehole n. (Nautical) A hole in a ship through which a hawser is passed.
HAWSEHOLE n. a hole for a ship's cable.
HAWSEHOLEShawseholes n. Plural of hawsehole.
HAWSEHOLE n. a hole for a ship's cable.
HAWSEPIPEhawsepipe n. (Nautical) metal pipe fitted into a hawsehole, to protect the wood.
hawse-pipe n. Alternative spelling of hawsepipe.
hawse␣pipe n. Alternative spelling of hawsepipe.
HAWSEPIPEShawsepipes n. Plural of hawsepipe.
hawse-pipes n. Plural of hawse-pipe.
hawse␣pipes n. Plural of hawse pipe.
HAWSERhawser n. (Nautical) A cable or heavy rope used to tow or moor a ship.
HAWSER n. a large rope for mooring or towing a ship, also HALSER.
HAWSERShawsers n. Plural of hawser.
HAWSER n. a large rope for mooring or towing a ship, also HALSER.
HAWSEShawses n. Plural of hawse.
HAWSE v. to salute, greet, also HALSE, HAUSE.
KICKSHAWSESKICKSHAWS n. KICKSHAW, a fancy dish, a delicacy; a trinket, also KICKSHAWS.
MAWSEEDmawseed n. The seed of the opium poppy.
MAWSEED n. the seed of the opium poppy.
MAWSEEDSmawseeds n. Plural of mawseed.
MAWSEED n. the seed of the opium poppy.
TAWSEtawse n. (Chiefly Scotland) A leather strap or thong which is split into (typically three) tails, used for corporal…
tawse v. (Transitive, chiefly Scotland) To beat with a tawse.
TAWSE v. to beat with a taws.
TAWSEDtawsed v. Simple past tense and past participle of tawse.
TAWSE v. to beat with a taws.
TAWSEStawses n. Plural of tawse.
TAWSE v. to beat with a taws.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 41 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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