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There are 16 words containing AUCO

BEAUCOUPbeaucoup det. (US, informal) Much, many, a lot of.
beaucoup n. An abundance.
beaucoup adv. In abundance.
BEAUCOUPSbeaucoups n. Plural of beaucoup.
BEAUCOUP n. a great amount.
GLAUCOMAglaucoma n. (Pathology) An eye disease or disorder that is defined as a characteristic optic neuropathy, or disease…
GLAUCOMA n. a disease of the eye, marked by increased pressure within the eyeball and growing dimness of vision.
GLAUCOMASglaucomas n. Plural of glaucoma.
GLAUCOMA n. a disease of the eye, marked by increased pressure within the eyeball and growing dimness of vision.
GLAUCOMATOUSglaucomatous adj. Having the nature of glaucoma.
GLAUCOMATOUS adj. affected by glaucoma.
GLAUCONITEglauconite n. (Mineralogy) A greenish form of mica found in greensand.
GLAUCONITE n. a mineral now forming in the sea, a hydrated potassium iron and aluminium silicate, which gives a green colour to some of the beds of the Greensand.
GLAUCONITESglauconites n. Plural of glauconite.
GLAUCONITE n. a mineral now forming in the sea, a hydrated potassium iron and aluminium silicate, which gives a green colour to some of the beds of the Greensand.
GLAUCONITICglauconitic adj. Relating to, or containing, glauconite.
GLAUCONITIC adj. of or like glauconite, a hydrated potassium iron and aluminium silicate.
GLAUCOUSglaucous adj. (Color) Of a pale grey or bluish-green, especially when covered with a powdery residue.
glaucous adj. (Botany) Covered with a bloom or a pale powdery covering, regardless of colour.
GLAUCOUS adj. sea-green; greyish-blue; covered with a powdery greenish or bluish bloom.
GLAUCOUSLYglaucously adv. In a glaucous manner.
GLAUCOUS adv. sea-green; greyish-blue; covered with a powdery greenish or bluish bloom.
GLAUCOUSNESSglaucousness n. The quality of being glaucous.
GLAUCOUSNESS n. the state of being glaucous.
GLAUCOUSNESSESGLAUCOUSNESS n. the state of being glaucous.
RAUCOUSraucous adj. Harsh and rough-sounding.
raucous adj. Disorderly and boisterous.
raucous adj. Loud and annoying.
RAUCOUSLYraucously adv. In a raucous manner; loudly.
RAUCOUS adv. loud and unruly.
RAUCOUSNESSraucousness n. The characteristic of being raucous.
RAUCOUSNESS n. the state of being raucous.
RAUCOUSNESSESraucousnesses n. Plural of raucousness.
RAUCOUSNESS n. the state of being raucous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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