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There are 18 words containing ATTY

BATTYbatty adj. (Slang) Mad, crazy, silly.
batty adj. (Obsolete) Belonging to, or resembling, a bat (mammal).
batty n. (West Indian slang, MLE, MTE) The buttocks or anus.
CATTYcatty adj. (Informal, of a person or remark) With subtle hostility in an effort to hurt, annoy, or upset, particularly…
catty adj. (Informal) Resembling or characteristic of a cat.
catty n. A (unit of) weight used in China, generally standardized as half a kilogram.
FATTYfatty adj. Containing, composed of, or consisting of fat.
fatty adj. Like fat; greasy.
fatty adj. (Slang) Literally or figuratively large.
NATTYnatty adj. (Informal) Smart and fashionable.
natty adj. (Jamaica, slang) Knotty.
natty adj. (Slang, sports, particularly bodybuilding) Natural, as opposed to steroid enhanced.
PATTYpatty n. (US, Australia, New Zealand) A flattened portion of ground meat or a vegetarian equivalent, usually…
patty n. (Jamaica) A pastry with various fillings and spices baked inside a flaky shell, often tinted golden…
patty n. (England, strictly MLE) A foolish or stupid person.
RATTYratty adj. Resembling or characteristic of a rat; ratlike.
ratty adj. Infested with rats.
ratty adj. (Figuratively, informal).
TATTYtatty n. (Scotland, Northern England, Geordie) A potato.
tatty adj. Tattered; dilapidated, distressed, worn-out, torn.
tatty n. (India) A woven mat or screen hung at a door or window and kept wet to moisten and cool the air as it enters.
BRATTYbratty adj. Characteristic of a brat; unruly and impolite.
BRATTY adj. like a brat, spoilt.
CHATTYchatty adj. (Informal) Of a person, chatting a lot or fond of chatting.
chatty adj. (Informal) Of a text or speech, expressed in a conversational style.
chatty adj. (Computing) Supplying more information than necessary; verbose.
FLATTYflatty n. (Regional, slang) A flatfish.
flatty n. (Australia, slang) A flathead (fish).
flatty n. (Slang) A flat tire/tyre.
GNATTYgnatty adj. Containing gnats.
GNATTY adj. infested with gnats.
SCATTYscatty adj. (Slang, Britain) Scatterbrained; flighty.
scatty adj. (UK, Liverpudlian, slang) messy; filthy; disgusting.
scatty adj. (Dialect) showery; rainy.
SWATTYSWATTY adj. given to hard study, also SWOTTY.
SQUATTYsquatty adj. Somewhat squat.
SQUATTY adj. squat, dumpy.
CHUPATTYchupatty n. Archaic spelling of chapatti.
CHUPATTY n. (Hindi) a thin flat piece of unleavened bread, also CHAPATI, CHAPATTI, CHAPPATI, CHUPATI, CHUPATTI.
NONFATTYnonfatty adj. Not fatty.
NONFATTY adj. not fatty.
PATTYPANpattypan n. A pan used for baking patties.
pattypan n. (Chiefly North America) A small variety of squash with a scalloped rim and creamy white flesh; a pattypan squash.
PATTYPAN n. a pan in which patties are baked.
PATTYPANSpattypans n. Plural of pattypan.
PATTYPAN n. a pan in which patties are baked.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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