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There are 20 words containing ATSU

CATSUPcatsup n. Alternative form of ketchup.
CATSUP n. (Malay) a spicy tomato sauce, also KETCHUP, CATCHUP.
CATSUITcatsuit n. A tight-fitting one-piece women’s garment, covering the legs, arms and torso.
CATSUIT n. a type of one-piece trouser suit.
CATSUPScatsups n. Plural of catsup.
CATSUP n. (Malay) a spicy tomato sauce, also KETCHUP, CATCHUP.
KATSURAkatsura n. One of two species of trees in the genus Cercidiphyllum, most commonly Cercidiphyllum japonicum, one…
Katsura prop.n. A female given name from Japanese.
Katsura prop.n. A male given name from Japanese.
MATSURImatsuri n. A Japanese festival.
MATSURI n. (Japanese) a Shinto festival or public ceremony held at a shrine.
SATSUMAsatsuma n. A seedless and easy-peeling cultivar of mandarin orange of Japanese origin; Citrus unshiu.
Satsuma prop.n. (Historical) A former province of Japan, now the western half of Kagoshima Prefecture.
Satsuma prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Camaenidae – air-breathing land snails.
SHIATSUshiatsu n. A form of massage, using the thumbs and palms, employed as therapy.
SHIATSU n. (Japanese) a massage technique using finger pressure at acupuncture centers, also SHIATZU.
CATSUITScatsuits n. Plural of catsuit.
CATSUIT n. a type of one-piece trouser suit.
KATSURASkatsuras n. Plural of katsura.
Katsuras prop.n. Plural of Katsura.
KATSURA n. (Japanese) a deciduous tree of Japan and China.
MATSURISmatsuris n. Plural of matsuri.
MATSURI n. (Japanese) a Shinto festival or public ceremony held at a shrine.
SATSUMASsatsumas n. Plural of satsuma.
SATSUMA n. (Japanese) a small citrus fruit.
SHIATSUSSHIATSU n. (Japanese) a massage technique using finger pressure at acupuncture centers, also SHIATZU.
ZAIBATSUzaibatsu n. (Economics) A Japanese ‘money clique’ or conglomerate; (by extension) in the United States, any large corporation.
ZAIBATSU n. (Japanese) a powerful, family-controlled Japanese combine.
MATSUTAKEmatsutake n. A mushroom, Tricholoma matsutake, prized in Asian cuisine for its spicy aroma.
MATSUTAKE n. (Japanese) a Japanese mushroom.
SWEATSUITsweatsuit n. A two-piece garment worn during exercise.
SWEATSUIT n. a loose-fitting suit consisting of sweater and trousers, usually close-fitting at wrist and ankle, worn by athletes, etc.
ZAIBATSUSzaibatsus n. Plural of zaibatsu.
ZAIBATSU n. (Japanese) a powerful, family-controlled Japanese combine.
GOATSUCKERgoatsucker n. Any bird in the nightjar family Caprimulgidae.
GOATSUCKER n. the nightjar, a bird similar to the swift, falsely thought to suck goats' udders for milk.
MATSUTAKESmatsutakes n. Plural of matsutake.
MATSUTAKE n. (Japanese) a Japanese mushroom.
SWEATSUITSsweatsuits n. Plural of sweatsuit.
SWEATSUIT n. a loose-fitting suit consisting of sweater and trousers, usually close-fitting at wrist and ankle, worn by athletes, etc.
GOATSUCKERSgoatsuckers n. Plural of goatsucker.
GOATSUCKER n. the nightjar, a bird similar to the swift, falsely thought to suck goats' udders for milk.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 146 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 3 words
  • Scrabble in German: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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