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There are 19 words containing ASIM

CASIMEREcasimere n. Alternative form of cassimere.
Casimere prop.n. A surname.
CASIMERE n. a twilled cloth of the finest wool, also CASHMERE, CASIMIRE, CASSIMERE, KASHMIR, KERSEYMERE.
CASIMEREScasimeres n. Plural of casimere.
CASIMERE n. a twilled cloth of the finest wool, also CASHMERE, CASIMIRE, CASSIMERE, KASHMIR, KERSEYMERE.
CASIMIREcasimire n. Alternative form of cassimere.
CASIMIRE n. a twilled cloth of the finest wool, also CASHMERE, CASIMERE, CASSIMERE, KASHMIR, KERSEYMERE.
CASIMIREScasimires n. Plural of casimire.
CASIMIRE n. a twilled cloth of the finest wool, also CASHMERE, CASIMERE, CASSIMERE, KASHMIR, KERSEYMERE.
PHANTASIMphantasim n. Obsolete form of phantasm.
PHANTASIM n. (Shakespeare) a fantastic person, also PHANTASIME.
PHANTASIMEPHANTASIME n. (Shakespeare) a fantastic person, also PHANTASIM.
PHANTASIMESPHANTASIME n. (Shakespeare) a fantastic person, also PHANTASIM.
PHANTASIMSphantasims n. Plural of phantasim.
PHANTASIM n. (Shakespeare) a fantastic person, also PHANTASIME.
SHAMMASIMshammasim n. Plural of shammas.
SHAMMAS n. (Yiddish) the sexton in a synagogue; the candle used to light the other 8 candles of a Chanukah menorah, also SHAMMASH, SHAMMES, SHAMMOS, SHAMOS.
STASIMAstasima n. Plural of stasimon.
STASIMON n. (Greek) a choral ode in an ancient Greek drama.
STASIMONstasimon n. (Drama, Ancient Greek drama) A song of the chorus during a tragedy, continued without the interruption…
STASIMON n. (Greek) a choral ode in an ancient Greek drama.
STASIMORPHIESSTASIMORPHY n. structural modification by arrested development.
STASIMORPHYstasimorphy n. Any deviation from the normal form of a bodily organ due to arrested development.
STASIMORPHY n. structural modification by arrested development.
TASIMETERtasimeter n. An instrument for detecting or measuring minute extension or movements of solid bodies. It consists…
TASIMETER n. an instrument for measuring small changes in temperature.
TASIMETERStasimeters n. Plural of tasimeter.
TASIMETER n. an instrument for measuring small changes in temperature.
TASIMETRICtasimetric adj. Of or relating to the tasimeter.
TASIMETRIC adj. relating to a tasimeter, an instrument for measuring changes in pressure.
TASIMETRIESTASIMETRY n. measurement by use of a tasimeter, an instrument for measuring small changes in temperature.
TASIMETRYTASIMETRY n. measurement by use of a tasimeter, an instrument for measuring small changes in temperature.
ULTRASIMPLEultrasimple adj. Extremely simple.
ULTRASIMPLE adj. extremely simple.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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