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There are 20 words containing ASAR

ANASARCAanasarca n. (Medicine) Severe generalised oedema.
ANASARCA n. (Greek) dropsy of the subcutaneous cellular tissue.
ANASARCASanasarcas n. Plural of anasarca.
ANASARCA n. (Greek) dropsy of the subcutaneous cellular tissue.
ANASARCOUSanasarcous adj. Belonging to, or affected by, anasarca, or dropsy; dropsical.
ANASARCOUS adj. belonging, or affected by, anasarca, or dropsy; dropsical.
ASARasar n. Alternative form of osar.
ASAR n. (Space science) Initialism of advanced synthetic aperture radar.
AS n. a Norse god living in Asgard.
ASARABACCAasarabacca n. An acrid herbaceous plant, Asarum europaeum, the leaves and roots of which are emetic and cathartic.
ASARABACCA n. an acrid herbaceous plant of the birthwort family, the leaves and roots of which are emetic and cathartic.
ASARABACCASasarabaccas n. Plural of asarabacca.
ASARABACCA n. an acrid herbaceous plant of the birthwort family, the leaves and roots of which are emetic and cathartic.
ASARUMasarum n. Any plant of the genus Asarum.
Asarum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Aristolochiaceae – plants in the birthwort family.
ASARUM n. (Latin) the dried root of the wild ginger.
ASARUMSasarums n. Plural of asarum.
ASARUM n. (Latin) the dried root of the wild ginger.
BALTHASARBalthasar prop.n. Alternative form of Balthazar.
Balthasar n. Alternative form of Balthazar.
BALTHASAR n. a large wine bottle containing 2.80 gallons, also BALTHAZAR, BELSHAZZAR.
BALTHASARSBalthasars n. Plural of Balthasar.
BALTHASAR n. a large wine bottle containing 2.80 gallons, also BALTHAZAR, BELSHAZZAR.
KEASARkeasar n. Obsolete form of Kaiser.
KEASAR n. (obsolete) an emperor, also KAISER, KESAR.
KEASARSkeasars n. Plural of keasar.
KEASAR n. (obsolete) an emperor, also KAISER, KESAR.
NASARDnasard n. (Music) An organ stop that has a nasal, flutelike quality.
NASARD n. an organ stop.
NASARDSnasards n. Plural of nasard.
NASARD n. an organ stop.
QUASARquasar n. (Astronomy) An extragalactic object, starlike in appearance, that is among the most luminous and (putatively)…
QUASAR n. a starlike object which emits radio waves.
QUASARSquasars n. Plural of quasar.
QUASAR n. a starlike object which emits radio waves.
SASARARAsasarara n. Alternative form of sassarara.
SASARARA n. a scolding; a blow, also SASSARARA, SISERARY.
TASARTASAR n. (Hindi) a fawn-coloured silk made from wild Indian silkworms, also TUSSAH, TUSSAR, TUSSEH, TUSSER, TUSSOR, TUSSORE, TUSSUR.
TASARSTASAR n. (Hindi) a fawn-coloured silk made from wild Indian silkworms, also TUSSAH, TUSSAR, TUSSEH, TUSSER, TUSSOR, TUSSORE, TUSSUR.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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