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There are 9 words containing APUC

CAPUCCIOcapuccio n. Alternative form of cappuccio.
CAPUCCIO n. (Spenser) a cloak hood, also CAPOUCH, CAPUCHE.
CAPUCCIOScapuccios n. Plural of capuccio.
CAPUCCIO n. (Spenser) a cloak hood, also CAPOUCH, CAPUCHE.
CAPUCHEcapuche n. A long, pointed hood, as that worn by the Augustinians, Capuchins or Franciscans.
CAPUCHE n. a cloak hood, also CAPOUCH, CAPUCCIO.
CAPUCHEDcapuched adj. (Obsolete) Covered with, or as if with, a hood.
CAPUCHED adj. having a capuche.
CAPUCHEScapuches n. Plural of capuche.
CAPUCHE n. a cloak hood, also CAPOUCH, CAPUCCIO.
CAPUCHINcapuchin n. A monk in the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin; (generally) a Franciscan.
capuchin n. A garment consisting of a cloak and hood, made in imitation of the dress of Capuchin monks.
capuchin n. A capuchin monkey.
CAPUCHINScapuchins n. Plural of capuchin.
Capuchins n. Plural of Capuchin.
CAPUCHIN n. a South American monkey with thick hair like a monk's cowl.
SAPUCAIAsapucaia n. A Brazilian tree, the monkey pot (any of several species in the genus Lecythis).
SAPUCAIA n. (Tupi) a South American tree, related to the Brazil nut; the oily edible seed of this.
SAPUCAIASsapucaias n. Plural of sapucaia.
SAPUCAIA n. (Tupi) a South American tree, related to the Brazil nut; the oily edible seed of this.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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