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There are 20 words containing APRA

APRAXIAapraxia n. (Neurology) Total or partial loss of the ability to perform coordinated movements or manipulate objects…
APRAXIA n. an inability to perform voluntary bodily movements.
APRAXICapraxic adj. (Neurology) Relating to or exhibiting apraxia.
APRAXIC adj. unable to perform voluntary bodily movements, also APRACTIC.
CAPRATEcaprate n. (Organic chemistry) Any salt or ester of capric acid.
CAPRATE n. a salt of capric acid.
APRACTICapractic adj. (Neurology) Relating to apraxia.
APRACTIC adj. unable to perform voluntary bodily movements, also APRAXIC.
APRAXIASapraxias n. Plural of apraxia.
APRAXIA n. an inability to perform voluntary bodily movements.
CAPRATEScaprates n. Plural of caprate.
CAPRATE n. a salt of capric acid.
DOXAPRAMdoxapram n. A respiratory stimulant.
DOXAPRAM n. a drug used as a respiratory stimulant.
CHAPRASSIchaprassi n. Alternative form of chaprasi.
CHAPRASSI n. (Urdu) an office messenger, a household attendant, also CHUPRASSY.
DOXAPRAMSDOXAPRAM n. a drug used as a respiratory stimulant.
SAPRAEMIAsapraemia n. Blood poisoning caused by the ingestion/absorption of toxins of putrefactive bacteria.
sapræmia n. Alternative form of sapraemia.
SAPRAEMIA n. a kind of blood-poisoning, also SAPREMIA.
SAPRAEMICsapraemic adj. Relating to, or having, sapraemia.
SAPRAEMIC adj. relating to sapraemia, a kind of blood-poisoning, also SAPREMIC.
CHAPRASSISchaprassis n. Plural of chaprassi.
CHAPRASSI n. (Urdu) an office messenger, a household attendant, also CHUPRASSY.
NAPRAPATHYnaprapathy n. A branch of alternative medicine, a manipulative therapy that focuses on the evaluation and treatment…
NAPRAPATHY n. (Czech) medical treatment by manipulation of spine, thorax or pelvis.
PARAPRAXESparapraxes n. Plural of parapraxis.
PARAPRAXIS n. a slip of the tongue or pen that reveals the unconscious mind.
PARAPRAXISparapraxis n. (Psychology) A mistake, such as a slip of the tongue, that reveals a concealed thought or motive.
PARAPRAXIS n. a slip of the tongue or pen that reveals the unconscious mind.
SAPRAEMIASsapraemias n. Plural of sapraemia.
SAPRAEMIA n. a kind of blood-poisoning, also SAPREMIA.
CHAPRASSIESchaprassies n. Plural of chaprassy.
chaprassies n. Plural of chaprassie.
CHAPRASSI n. (Urdu) an office messenger, a household attendant, also CHUPRASSY.
NAPRAPATHIESNAPRAPATHY n. (Czech) medical treatment by manipulation of spine, thorax or pelvis.
PARAPRAXISESPARAPRAXIS n. a slip of the tongue or pen that reveals the unconscious mind.
ULTRAPRACTICALultrapractical adj. Extremely practical.
ULTRAPRACTICAL adj. extremely practical.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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