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There are 19 words containing AMOL

AMOLEamole n. Any of various parts of the Agave (or similar) plants, when used as soap.
amole n. Other Mexican and North American plants used as soap.
AMOLE n. a plant root used as soap.
AMOLESamoles n. Plural of amole.
AMOLE n. a plant root used as soap.
GUACAMOLEguacamole n. An avocado-based greenish dip with onions, tomato, and spices, common to Mexican cuisine and often served…
GUACAMOLE n. (Nahuatl) a kind of dip, also GUACHAMOLE.
GUACAMOLESguacamoles n. Plural of guacamole.
GUACAMOLE n. (Nahuatl) a kind of dip, also GUACHAMOLE.
GUACHAMOLEGUACHAMOLE n. (Nahuatl) a kind of dip, also GUACAMOLE.
POTAMOLOGYpotamology n. (Geography) The study of rivers.
POTAMOLOGY n. the study of rivers.
SALBUTAMOLsalbutamol n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic beta-agonist bronchodilator related to aspirin, administered in the form…
SALBUTAMOL n. a bronchodilator drug.
GUACHAMOLESGUACHAMOLE n. (Nahuatl) a kind of dip, also GUACAMOLE.
PARACETAMOLparacetamol n. (Pharmacology) a synthetic compound used as a drug to relieve and reduce fever, usually taken in tablet form.
PARACETAMOL n. a mild analgesic and antipyretic drug, often recommended instead of aspirin.
SALBUTAMOLSSALBUTAMOL n. a bronchodilator drug.
PARACETAMOLSparacetamols n. Plural of paracetamol.
PARACETAMOL n. a mild analgesic and antipyretic drug, often recommended instead of aspirin.
POTAMOLOGIESPOTAMOLOGY n. the study of rivers.
POTAMOLOGISTpotamologist n. One who studies rivers.
POTAMOLOGIST n. one who studies rivers.
POTAMOLOGICALpotamological adj. Relating to potamology.
POTAMOLOGICAL adj. related to potamology.
POTAMOLOGISTSpotamologists n. Plural of potamologist.
POTAMOLOGIST n. one who studies rivers.
SUPRAMOLECULEsupramolecule n. (Chemistry) Any organized system of two or more molecules held together by intermolecular forces.
SUPRAMOLECULE n. a cluster of molecules, usually created artificially.
INTRAMOLECULARintramolecular adj. (Chemistry, physics) Between different parts of the same molecule.
INTRAMOLECULAR adj. existing or acting within the molecule.
SUPRAMOLECULARsupramolecular adj. (Chemistry) Consisting of many molecules; of scale or complexity greater than that of a molecule.
SUPRAMOLECULAR adj. more complex than a molecule.
SUPRAMOLECULESsupramolecules n. Plural of supramolecule.
SUPRAMOLECULE n. a cluster of molecules, usually created artificially.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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