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There are 12 words containing ALOL

SALOLsalol n. (Chemistry) Phenyl salicylate; a, odorless, tasteless, white crystalline powder, nearly insoluble in…
SALOL n. a white crystalline substance consisting of phenol salicylate.
PALOLOpalolo n. Palolo worm.
PALOLO n. (Samoan) a type of seaworm, found in the Pacific.
SALOLSsalols n. Plural of salol.
SALOL n. a white crystalline substance consisting of phenol salicylate.
LINALOLlinalol n. Dated form of linalool.
LINALOL n. (Spanish) a fragrant liquid alcohol, used to make perfume, obtained from oil of rosewood, also LINALOOL.
PALOLOSpalolos n. Plural of palolo.
PALOLO n. (Samoan) a type of seaworm, found in the Pacific.
HALOLIKEhalolike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a halo.
HALOLIKE adj. resembling a halo.
LINALOLSlinalols n. Plural of linalol.
LINALOL n. (Spanish) a fragrant liquid alcohol, used to make perfume, obtained from oil of rosewood, also LINALOOL.
SANTALOLsantalol n. (Organic chemistry) Either of a pair of sesquiterpenes found in sandalwood.
SANTALOL n. sandalwood oil.
SANTALOLSsantalols n. Plural of santalol.
SANTALOL n. sandalwood oil.
SIALOLITHsialolith n. (Medicine, pathology) Technically, a calculus in the salivary ducts causing an obstruction. There are…
SIALOLITH n. a calculus in a salivary gland.
MALOLACTICmalolactic adj. (Winemaking) Describing a type of fermentation in which malic acid is converted into lactic acid.
MALOLACTIC adj. relating to the conversion of malic acid to lactic acid in the production of wine.
SIALOLITHSsialoliths n. Plural of sialolith.
SIALOLITH n. a calculus in a salivary gland.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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