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There are 9 words containing ALEU

ALEURONaleuron n. Alternative form of aleurone.
ALEURON n. a protein found in some seeds, also ALEURONE.
SCALEUPscaleup n. The act or result of scaling up.
scaleup n. (Business) A startup in the growth phase.
scale␣up v. Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see scale, up.
ALEURONEaleurone n. (Biochemistry) The protein content of the embryo, endosperm, or perisperm of cereals, in the form of minute particles.
aleurone n. The outer layer (and its major cell type and its specialized protein) of the endosperm.
ALEURONE n. a protein found in some seeds, also ALEURON.
ALEURONSaleurons n. Plural of aleuron.
ALEURON n. a protein found in some seeds, also ALEURONE.
SCALEUPSscaleups n. Plural of scaleup.
SCALEUP n. an increase based on a fixed ratio.
ALEURONESaleurones n. Plural of aleurone.
ALEURONE n. a protein found in some seeds, also ALEURON.
ALEURONICaleuronic adj. Of or pertaining to aleurone.
ALEURONIC adj. of or like aleuron, a protein found in flour.
MELALEUCAmelaleuca n. (Botany) Any member of the genus Melaleuca of shrubs and trees in the myrtle family.
Melaleuca prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Myrtaceae – certain tea trees, honey myrtles, and paperbarks.
MELALEUCA n. an Australian tree with a white trunk and black branches.
MELALEUCASmelaleucas n. Plural of melaleuca.
MELALEUCA n. an Australian tree with a white trunk and black branches.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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