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There are 14 words containing AJOU

ACAJOUacajou n. The cashew tree.
acajou n. A cashew nut.
acajou n. The wood from the mahogany tree or other trees from the family Meliaceae.
ACAJOUSacajous n. Plural of acajou.
ACAJOU n. (Tupi) the cashew tree; also, its fruit.
CARCAJOUcarcajou n. Synonym of wolverine (a solitary, fierce member of the weasel family).
CARCAJOU n. a musteline animal, aka glutton or wolverine.
CARCAJOUScarcajous n. Plural of carcajou.
CARCAJOU n. a musteline animal, aka glutton or wolverine.
KINKAJOUkinkajou n. Potos flavus, a carnivorous mammal of Central America and South America with a long, prehensile tail…
KINKAJOU n. a nocturnal carnivorous mammal of South America, allied to the raccoons.
KINKAJOUSkinkajous n. Plural of kinkajou.
KINKAJOU n. a nocturnal carnivorous mammal of South America, allied to the raccoons.
MEGAJOULEmegajoule n. (Metrology) An SI unit of energy equal to 106 joules. Symbol: MJ.
mega-joule n. One million ( 106 ) joules. Symbol: MJ.
MEGAJOULE n. a million joules.
MEGAJOULESmegajoules n. Plural of megajoule.
mega-joules n. Plural of mega-joule.
MEGAJOULE n. a million joules.
PARAJOURNALISMparajournalism n. The deceptive use of journalistic style and presentation to publish falsehoods.
PARAJOURNALISM n. journalism that is heavily colored by the opinions of the reporter.
PARAJOURNALISMSPARAJOURNALISM n. journalism that is heavily colored by the opinions of the reporter.
SAJOUsajou n. A spider monkey or capuchin.
SAJOU n. (Tupi) a capuchin or spider monkey, also SAPAJOU.
SAJOUSsajous n. Plural of sajou.
SAJOU n. (Tupi) a capuchin or spider monkey, also SAPAJOU.
SAPAJOUsapajou n. Any of several species of South American monkeys of the genus Cebus, with long prehensile tails.
SAPAJOU n. (Tupi) a long-tailed monkey, also SAJOU.
SAPAJOUSsapajous n. Plural of sapajou.
SAPAJOU n. (Tupi) a long-tailed monkey, also SAJOU.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 65 words
  • Scrabble in French: 215 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 6 words
  • Scrabble in German: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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