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There are 19 words containing AILF

PAILFULpailful n. The amount that fills, or would fill, a pail.
PAILFUL n. as much as a pail can hold.
TAILFANtailfan n. The outer part of a bird’s tail, farthest from the body.
TAILFAN n. a fanlike swimming organ of some crustaceans.
TAILFINtailfin n. A fin at the tail of a fish, caudal fin.
tailfin n. A fin on the tail of an aircraft, vertical stabilizer.
tailfin n. (Automotive) A fin-like projection at the rear of a car, common on American cars of the 1950s.
TAILFLYTAILFLY n. part of a fishing fly which resembles the tail of an insect.
WAILFULwailful adj. (Chiefly poetic) Sorrowful; mournful.
WAILFUL adj. sorrowful; mournful.
AVAILFULavailful adj. (Obsolete) Profitable, useful; of much avail.
AVAILFUL adj. (obsolete) of avail, serviceable.
NAILFILEnailfile n. Alternative form of nail file.
nail-file n. Alternative form of nail file.
nail␣file n. A small file made of soft metal, or a board covered with fine sandpaper, for filing and shaping one’s…
NAILFOLDnailfold n. The skin that overlaps the edge of a fingernail or toenail.
NAILFOLD n. a fold of skin around the fingernail.
PAILFULSpailfuls n. Plural of pailful.
PAILFUL n. as much as a pail can hold.
SAILFISHsailfish n. A fish of the genus Istiophorus, having a characteristic sail-like fin on its back.
sailfish n. The basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus).
sailfish n. The quillback (Carpiodes cyprinus).
TAILFANStailfans n. Plural of tailfan.
TAILFAN n. a fanlike swimming organ of some crustaceans.
TAILFINStailfins n. Plural of tailfin.
tail␣fins n. Plural of tail fin.
TAILFIN n. a decorative projection at the back of a car.
NAILFILESnailfiles n. Plural of nailfile.
nail-files n. Plural of nail-file.
nail␣files n. Plural of nail file.
NAILFOLDSnailfolds n. Plural of nailfold.
NAILFOLD n. a fold of skin around the fingernail.
SNAILFISHsnailfish n. Any member of the Liparidae, a family of scorpaeniform marine fish.
SNAILFISH n. a sea snail.
TAILFLIESTAILFLY n. part of a fishing fly which resembles the tail of an insect.
WAILFULLYwailfully adv. In a wailful manner.
WAILFUL adv. sorrowful; mournful.
SAILFISHESsailfishes n. Plural of sailfish.
SAILFISH n. a large game fish with a sail-like dorsal fin.
SNAILFISHESsnailfishes n. Plural of snailfish.
SNAILFISH n. a sea snail.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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