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There are 17 words containing AGLY

AGLYagly adv. Alternative spelling of agley.
AGLY adv. (Scots) with a turn or twist to one side, also AGLEE, AGLEY.
AGLYCONaglycon n. Alternative spelling of aglycone.
AGLYCON n. an organic compound, as a phenol or alcohol, combined with the sugar portion of a glycoside, also AGLYCONE.
AGLYCONEaglycone n. (Organic chemistry) The non-sugar fragment of a glycoside.
AGLYCONE n. an organic compound, as a phenol or alcohol, combined with the sugar portion of a glycoside, also AGLYCON.
AGLYCONESaglycones n. Plural of aglycone.
AGLYCONE n. an organic compound, as a phenol or alcohol, combined with the sugar portion of a glycoside, also AGLYCON.
AGLYCONSaglycons n. Plural of aglycon, an alternative spelling of aglycone.
AGLYCON n. an organic compound, as a phenol or alcohol, combined with the sugar portion of a glycoside, also AGLYCONE.
ANAGLYPHanaglyph n. A decorative ornament worked in low relief or bas relief, such as a piece of cameo jewelry.
anaglyph n. A matched pair of images designed to produce a three-dimensional effect when viewed using spectacles…
ANAGLYPH n. (Greek) a type of carved ornament.
ANAGLYPHICanaglyphic adj. Relating to anaglyphs.
anaglyphic n. Work with chased or embossed relief.
ANAGLYPHIC adj. of or like an anaglyph, an ornament in low relief, also ANAGLYPHICAL.
ANAGLYPHICALanaglyphical adj. Alternative form of anaglyphic.
ANAGLYPHICAL adj. of or like an anaglyph, an ornament in low relief, also ANAGLYPHIC.
ANAGLYPHIESANAGLYPHY n. (Greek) the art of carving in low relief.
ANAGLYPHSanaglyphs n. Plural of anaglyph.
ANAGLYPH n. (Greek) a type of carved ornament.
ANAGLYPHYANAGLYPHY n. (Greek) the art of carving in low relief.
ANAGLYPTICanaglyptic adj. Of or pertaining to anaglyptics or to an anaglyph.
ANAGLYPTIC adj. relating to the art of carving, enchasing, or embossing in low relief.
ANAGLYPTICALANAGLYPTICAL adj. of or like an anaglyph, an ornament in low relief.
BRAGLYBRAGLY adv. (Spenser) proudly.
COELANAGLYPHICcoelanaglyphic adj. (Sculpture) In the form of cavo-rilievo (“sculpture in relief within a sinking made for the purpose…
COELANAGLYPHIC adj. in cavo-rilievo (hollow relief).
DIAGLYPHdiaglyph n. Glyptic art consisting of a sunken or depressed engraving or carving on a stone or gem.
DIAGLYPH n. a figure cut into any substance.
DIAGLYPHSdiaglyphs n. Plural of diaglyph.
DIAGLYPH n. a figure cut into any substance.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 60 words
  • Scrabble in French: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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