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There are 16 words containing AFIC

AFICIONADAaficionada n. (Rare) A devoted female admirer; a female aficionado.
aficionada n. (Rare) A lesser aficionado; alternative spelling of aficionado.
AFICIONADA n. a female aficionado.
AFICIONADASaficionadas n. Plural of aficionada.
AFICIONADA n. a female aficionado.
AFICIONADOaficionado n. (Obsolete) An amateur bullfighter.
aficionado n. A person who likes, knows about, and appreciates a particular interest or activity (originally bullfighting);…
AFICIONADO n. (Spanish) a devotee, admirer, an enthusiastic fan, also AFFICIONADO.
AFICIONADOSaficionados n. Plural of aficionado.
AFICIONADO n. (Spanish) a devotee, admirer, an enthusiastic fan, also AFFICIONADO.
BECCAFICObeccafico n. A small bird, Sylvia hortensis, the figpecker.
BECCAFICO n. (Italian) a garden warbler or related bird, considered a delicacy by Italians.
BECCAFICOSbeccaficos n. Plural of beccafico.
BECCAFICO n. (Italian) a garden warbler or related bird, considered a delicacy by Italians.
MAFICmafic adj. (Geology) Describing rocks, such as silicate minerals, magmas, and volcanic and intrusive igneous rocks…
mafic n. A rock with such properties.
MAFIC n. a generally dark-colored igneous rock with significant amounts of one or more ferromagnesian minerals.
MAFICSmafics n. Plural of mafic.
MAFIC n. a generally dark-colored igneous rock with significant amounts of one or more ferromagnesian minerals.
METAFICTIONmetafiction n. A form of self-referential literature concerned with the art and devices of fiction itself.
METAFICTION n. fiction which refers to or takes as its subject fictional writing and its conventions.
METAFICTIONALmetafictional adj. Of, relating to, or being metafiction.
METAFICTIONAL adj. relating to metafiction.
METAFICTIONISTmetafictionist n. A writer of metafiction.
METAFICTIONIST n. a writer of metafiction.
METAFICTIONISTSmetafictionists n. Plural of metafictionist.
METAFICTIONIST n. a writer of metafiction.
METAFICTIONSmetafictions n. Plural of metafiction.
METAFICTION n. fiction which refers to or takes as its subject fictional writing and its conventions.
ULTRAFICHEultrafiche n. An ultramicrofiche.
ULTRAFICHE n. a sheet of microfilm the same size as a microfiche but with a greater number of microcopied records on it.
ULTRAFICHESultrafiches n. Plural of ultrafiche.
ULTRAFICHE n. a sheet of microfilm the same size as a microfiche but with a greater number of microcopied records on it.
ULTRAMAFICultramafic adj. (Geology) Describing igneous rocks that contain magnesium and iron and only a very small amount of silica…
ultramafic n. A rock with such properties.
ULTRAMAFIC adj. of rocks, very mafic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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